Yes, according to scripture He became all these things "in the fullness of time"  judyt
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 23:38:32 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Nice spin, Judy, but David not say anything about the "Old Covenant." He said, quote, "More properly, it might be said that there was a time when the Logos was not the Son of David, was not the Son of Man, was not the Son of God, was not the Christ, was not Messiah, was not Yeshua, was not Jesus, and was not Emmanuel, etc.  He became all these things through the miracle of the incarnation.  Is that how you see it Judy?" What do you think, Judy: Was there a time when the Logos was not Son of David, Son of Man, Son of God, the Christ, the Messiah, Yeshua, Jesus, Emmanuel, etc.? Did he become all these things through the miracle of the incarnation?
I would very much like a direct answer here.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Why the Eternal Sonship of Christ Matters to Me

jt: Correct David. Those are all the things He is not called under the Old Covenant but
there is another list He is identified with that goes back to from "before the
foundation of the world."  I'm just learning about Adam Clarke and Albert Barnes
The latter is profiled in a Closer Walk devotional for Feb that I happened to pick up
today.  Interesting...
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 18:51:30 -0500 "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> John wrote:
> >>> You apparently teach that Christ was
> >>> at one time not the Son.
> DM:
> >> It is not my teaching, but the teaching of Judy
> >> that came via Finis Dake, Adam Clarke, Albert
> >> Barnes, etc.
> Judy Taylor wrote:
> > Correction David. This is what I believe at this
> > point but it did not come via the above three souls.
> > It is what I see in the Bible. The only place I see
> > a "Son" in all of the OT is in prophecy. It is always
> > future tense.
> Thanks for the correction.  So you had this understanding before you
> read
> Finis Dake and shared his notes with us?
> I guess upon further reflection, I should point out that it is not
> that
> Christ was once never the son, because there was no Christ or
> Messiah before
> he was born of the woman.  More properly, it might be said that
> there was a
> time when the Logos was not the Son of David, was not the Son of
> Man, was
> not the Son of God, was not the Christ, was not Messiah, was not
> Yeshua, was
> not Jesus, and was not Emmanuel, etc.  He became all these things
> through
> the miracle of the incarnation.  Is that how you see it Judy?
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you
> may know how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)
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