Now Bill, let's not rush to judgment here.  You have me convicted and sentenced while the jury is still out.
Are you certain that what I describe below is not you? Can you prove that you don't believe these things and have never promoted them on this list?  Let's take care of these questions before we worry about whether I am ready to repent.  You may be the one needing to repent for accusing the brethren.
On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 01:57:23 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:Judy, if you want me to do this, I will. But when I do, are you really going to be ready to repent? I rather doubt it. But I would be thrilled if you are. Bill
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 06:48:12 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
To the contrary, Judy, I have no problem believing that the names of those who do not reject the Christ will remain unblotted from the Lambs Book of Life. How about if you let me and the triad articulate our own beliefs. When you feel compelled to smear us with caricatures and misrepresentations, just think of how you like it when others do that to you. Then if you want to go ahead and do it, then go ahead and do it. You don't bother me so much anymore; I'll still forgive you. Your friend,  Bill
jt: Very dramatic Bill. But please tell me in what way I have smeared, misrepresented and caricatured you?  BTW you are included in the triad along with Lance, and Jonathan.  Before you forgive me please tell me what I have done wrong. Don't you believe that all mankind is included in the incarnation which makes them all headed for heaven whether or not they overcome anything and weren't you writing about the perils of enlightenment thinking and how it keeps one from being able to understand scripture?  If you don't believe these things then at least give me the opportunity to repent..  judyt
On Tue, 11 Jan 2005 04:49:40 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
So, the really important thing is not the book of life but the Divine Eraser.  Interesting teaching.  
jt: Not my "teaching" John it is in the Book and the really important thing should be what God says even if it does conflict with your ontological model.

Unscriptural John.  -----   I would not have so written if it were unscriptural,  JudyT.  You might refer to Kay's interpretation of my interpretation of some of Paul's interpretation of Christ;s  -    oh, never mind  !!!!!  JD
jt: Oh, I see. We are back to this is just my interpretation and I can't know anything because of my "enlightenment thinking?" Please yourself John.  It's your future. I knew you (and the triad) wouldn't want "overcoming" on the front burner since the theological theories are so  much easier.   judyt
jt: Unscriptural John.  How did he get born saved since everyone is born into a "fallen creation" (sin) in the first Adam. The scriptures teach that God saw us in Christ before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:4) and everyone's name was written in the Lamb's Book of Life at the beginning because Jesus was the lamb slain before the foundation of the world. However, this does not negate the fall nor does it insure salvation unless one keeps their name from being blotted out.  The soul that sinneth, it shall die. Is an eternal truth So rather than get so tangled up with saved, not saved, saved, not saved. Wouldn't we be wiser to learn what God call's sin and stop doing it?
John: Interesting scripture, Judy.   Our names are in that book from the beginning.  Wow.  I had forgotten this passage.   Do you see God erasing some of these names?  I don't.  

jt: Yes I do, only the ones who overcome make it.  Moses was aware that one could be blotted out (Exodus 32:32) and so was David (Ps 69:28). Jesus Himself says of the one who "overcomes" - I will not erase his name from the book of life (Rev 3:5).

So, the really important thing is not the book of life but the Divine Eraser.  Interesting teaching.  

Unscriptural John.  -----   I would not have so written if it were unscriptural,  JudyT.  You might refer to Kay's interpretation of my interpretation of some of Paul's interpretation of Christ;s   -------------------------------------------------    oh, never mind  !!!!!



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