On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 16:37:50 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
To the contrary, Judy, at the time of your judgment you did know of his background and that he had died. You may not have intended it as such, but your judgment of him, in the context of how it was made, did very much come across as an assessment of his eternal destiny. You even admit that in a private correspondence between us. That conversation is also in the archives because you mistakenly posted it on TT.
jt: I would be interested in seeing what the publicly posted private correspondence says Bill so if you wouldn't mind could you send me those dates.  However, I think you are reading your understanding into what I said because I just don't think along the lines of saved, lost, saved, lost, in my own life and I most certainly am not assessing others constantly to the point of damning them to hell (your words).  I think you must have a good imagination and I wonder why you do so much accusing.  judyt

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