jt: Bill if I apologized to you back then it may have been for misunderstanding Newbigin, it certainly wasn't
for consigning him to hell which was your accusation yesterday and which incidentally John has picked up on.
Amazing how bad news spreads.  I am not turning on you, nor am I reframing anything...  have a nice rest.
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:10:20 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Excuse me, Judy, for what do I need to repent? At the time this took place you apologized to me for your accusation and admitted that you had judged him without first understanding his position. Are you now taking that back and turning on me? I am at a loss to know how to take you. You asked me to provide you with an example. I did that. Now, you are reframing the events of that equation. I don't get it. I think we need some space for a few days.
Bill OUT!
On Thu, 13 Jan 2005 09:10:22 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 1/12/2005 8:42:50 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
the mind is the home of faith which is wrong.
And for this you decided the guy was hell bound?   Get a grip.  
jt: John I have not ever consigned Newbigin or any other theologian or religious man to hell because
this is not my call. You need to read more accurately - we went through all of this last night. This was 
Bill's accusation entirely for which he has not seen fit to repent.
The mind and where it places it's interests is used by Paul to define that which is spiritual and that
which is flesh --------  Romans 8:5
jt: Yes we either walk after the mind of the flesh which is carnal or the mind of the Spirit. Romans 8:1-5 
(as opposed to more traditional notions of that tell us that sin, even a single sin, is that which makes
of "of the flesh").   John
jt: When one walks after the spirit they don't fulfill the lusts of the flesh because they are spiritually
minded but this is a daily choice.  However, faith is of the heart - When Peter preached on the day
of Pentecost people were pricked in their heart and 3,000 souls were saved that day (this is the
anointing of the Holy Spirit on the Word spoken by him).  Peter told Ananias & Sapphira that
'satan had filled their hearts to lie (Acts 5:3) Peter told Simon the sorcerer his heart was not
right in the sight of God (Acts 8:21) Philip told the Ethiopian eunuch to "believe with all thine
heart" (Acts 8:37) Paul and Barnabus spoke to the women washing at the river in Phillipi and
God opened Lydia's heart (Acts 16:14).
We understand with the heart - Acts 28:27 and the head follows along....

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