John wrote:
> Romans 2:15 -16 speaks only of a maybe
> situation  :  "..........their conscience either
> accusing or defending them  ............"
> In Christ, we have the assurance of our salvation
> -----------   or, at least, some of us do.
> ...
> Does "either accusing or defending" sound like
> a guaranteed ticket to heaven to you?   Not to me.
> As a matter of fact,  not even close.

I'm not sure I understand how you are understanding this passage.  What does 
"assurance of salvation" or a "guaranteed ticket to heaven" have to do with 
the effect of the conscience upon the mind?  I have full assurance of 
salvation, but this description of thoughts (reasonings of the mind) either 
accusing or else excusing one another describes exactly what goes on among 

Paul's point here is that judgment is not based upon who has the law and who 
hears the law.  It is the same argument some have made here in this forum 
but with a little different twist.  The judgment is not based upon who has 
the right theology and who hears the right theology.  Rather, judgment is 
based upon how we live.  We are judged based upon OUR DEEDS (whether or not 
we sin).  Period.

The Gentile believer is not a second class citizen of God's covenant just 
because he does not have the law, nor because he does not jump into Judaism 
and learn God's law.  Paul's point here is that the Gentile believer has the 
law of God written upon his heart, and his own conscience testifies to him 
that it is God's law, and he will do the same thing the Jew does, either 
accuse or excuse the deeds of one another, based upon that law written on 
his heart.  His point is that the Jew who boasts in having the law really 
has no advantage over the Gentile who believes in Christ and walks in 
righteousness based not upon Moses' law, but based upon faith in Christ 
which causes the law of God to be written upon his heart.

Why do I infer that these are believing Gentiles?  Context.  Also, the fact 
that Paul asserts strongly in this same passage that Gentiles apart from 
Christ are unable to keep the law.  I realize that you believe this passage 
to be hypothetical, but that causes the passage to completely lose its force 
(according to Tom Wright, and I agree with him on this one :-) ).

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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