No Slade, that's fine.
IMO this is tame compared to some of the stuff coming from Gary's computer which has been ongoing for months
now. That the KJV is written on a 10th grade level is true and this I don't mind being equated with.  But I'm curious as to why I am singled out over this - Did you read what I responded to and not find it hateful and insulting or is the focus
primarily on me?  jht
myth (any post you produce from the archives, subject to assessment by any reader willing, puts your words in the best light possible, inductively; if not true, then set forth your doctrine as it is--e.g., what is your hermeneutic? so far, the archival pic is of a cultic ideology influential over peasant, perhaps ~8th grade expertise)
On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 17:47:41 -0500 "Slade Henson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
You wanted an example of hatful speech. Here's an example. Shall I continue to do this or shall I shut up?
-- slade
From: Judy Taylor
8th Grade?  No Gary the KJV is written at the 10th Grade level of course your hero Vernon Grounds
is probably way above that  and probably anything not Conservative Baptist is cultish so far as you're
concerned.  Sorry....


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