On Sat, 15 Jan 2005 20:58:04 -0500 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy Taylor wrote:
I believe Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels fell before the foundation of the world and they now live in the 2nd
heaven (or this worlds upper atmosphere).  God allowed them to access His garden in order to test A&E.
When did they leave town, Judy?  Satan was walking the earth when he caused all the trouble for Job.  He was still around to enter Judas.  His demons were here when Jesus cast them out of various and sundry people, and if you check the daily news, you will find evidence that they still control many people.  I would be tickled if they all went away, but I do not think that has happened, though a few of the worst are in chains, awaiting the lake of fire. Terry
Hi Terry:
The second heaven is the upper atmosphere of the earth, God is in the third heaven.  In Job he appeared in haven before the throne of God so apparently he had a pretty wide range. I agree with you about the demons,
they haven't gone anywhere unfortunately and neither has Satan.   judyt


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