Slade wrote:
>>>>> You and I hardly agree. Why is that?
>>>>> One post in about 200 I can agree with.

Judy wrote:
>>>> Possibly because you appear to be focused
>>>> in/on tradition right now and I study God's Word
>>>> (just a guess on my part)

John wrote:
>>> Possibly an insult. (just a guess on my part).

Judy wrote:
>> This is NOT, read NOT intended as an insult JD
>> Tradition and God's Word do not mix and they
>> do not blend they are like oil and water.
>> I am aware that this is not a politically correct
>> thing to say but no insult is intended.

John wrote:
> Intentions have nothing to do with it.   That is the part
> some on this forum do not understand.    When one
> contrasts supposed "traditions" to his/her's study of
> God's Word,  we see both arrogance and put down
> in one single breath.

Intentions do have SOMETHING to do with it, but not everything.  The thing 
that is starting to go wrong here is that Judy is dealing with something 
personal... why Slade and her do not agree.  Slade asked a personal 
question, and Judy answered it.  She had no intention of insulting Slade. 
She was trying to answer his question.  Her answer is quite logical 
considering how Slade admits to studying tradition and the importance of 
tradition, something that Judy does not value quite so much.  Her answer 
appears factual, and the only reason why anybody would be offended by it as 
far as I can tell is if they think something is wrong with being focused on 
tradition "right now."  Please notice the right now part of her answer, 
because it seems to show how Judy sees this is perhaps a temporary thing in 
Slades studies.

This gets into one of the gray areas that I have mentioned.  In my opinion, 
it does not cross over into an ad hominem attack because the answer was 
solicited by Slade to begin with.  However, it does get close, which is why 
you said, "possibly" an insult.

Let's just leave this whole thread be.  There are other things to discuss.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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