Jesus Christ told us to "GO YE into ALL the World, and preach the gospel to EVERY creature" Mark 16:15
As our example he went through "EVERY city and village... PREACHING" Luke 8:1
Not to just a few! vs 4 "when MUCH people were gathered together... he spake"
He did not just live his life as an example: "LIFE STYLE EVANGELISM"
He gave his life a ransom: "LIFE SAVING EVANGELISM"!
He preached to multitudes "the WHOLE MULTITUDE of the country of Gadarenes" vs 37
To crowds so great they "thronged him" vs 42
To fulfill our commision we must GO to where the crowds are!

"Love will find a way. Indifference will find an excuse." 

What is your way?

David Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Kevin wrote:
>>> Yes Jesus was a model 'Street preacher' too.

John wrote:
>> Jesus was not street preacher. He spoke and
>> taught in places that encouaged the exchange
>> of ideas (such as a synagogue or, perhaps, the
>> Temple courtyard).

Terry adds:
> ...or from a boat or in a home or on a hill side.

Don't forget standing in the plain (Luke 6:17). :-)

Jesus was not your typical pulpit pastor. Many times he went out away from
the city to secluded areas, away from the synagogue and Temple, in order to
share his message. Other times he went to where the people were.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)

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