Yes. Every day. Meals and the evenings would be spent in the sukkah.
The Great Day of the Feast is also called Shemini Atzeret. There is an important water pouring service where water from the pool of Siloam is poured out into a special vessel on the altar. No wonder Yeshua stood and proclaimed as He did!
-- slade
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Wednesday, 19 January, 2005 20.27
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] What is a Christian?

Do Jews spend every day of the feast of tabernacles in the temple?
Or in Booths?
JN 7 in the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple
The occurrence we are talking about was a different day
JN 7 In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried,

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