This poses an interesting question. What do you think is the fate of those who believe Jesus was just a man and not G-d?
-- slade
-----Original Message-----
From: Judy Taylor
Sent: Thursday, 20 January, 2005 02.53
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] What is a Christian?
jt: So you just see Mormonism as a "different church?"  Has your mother-in-law renounced the works of darkness, repented of following false gods and left that system?  You are not doing DaveH any favors by the statement above.  His soul is more important than us being 'nice' we need to call things what they are.  If you can't see the problem then possibly you are deceived in this area also John and need to do your homework.  We have no authority to pronounce people "saved"  It has to be between them and the Lord. all we can do is point them to "The Way" and encourage them in it - We can stand in faith for ourselves but until Jesus declares (at the end) those who belong to him - we speak presumptuously.  jt

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