In a message dated 2/3/2005 8:23:18 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Which one has the Truth in it? All -- but you should know this. 

KD ALL the Truth or just some? How can two editions that have some verses missing, some verses that disagree, and have ALL the Truth?

I get so confused. Don't be too hard on yourself.   There is still time to get it right.  They all disagree with one another. And how many editions has Aland gone thru? Did they get it right yet? I think I need an education then God can use me.  Actually, not a bad idea  --  or better yet, use the "foolishness of preaching" to foster ignorance and rank stupidity   -   a choice we all have to make. 
You have been comparing them for years? You got it.  How do they stack up?  Great
They agree with each other right?  In all significant areas --  of course. 

KD And who determines what is significant you or your Teacher? Why the disagreement within the same line of Greek editions? Is someone confused and when will they finally get it right?

They agree with themselves; 2nd ed agrees with 3rd right?  Do you have any idea why there is a 2nd ed and then a 3rd? 

KD They changed their minds thought it should read as is, but maybe not, let's change it to a better reading They conflict all over the place. According to the Bible when you have Multiple witnesses that disagree with one another, their testimony is null & void. How many editions is Nestle's up to now 27? Do all of the agree with ona another? Which do you prefer?

Erwin said of his father Eberhard Nestle's pretext I mean text “My father knew quite well that a certain one-sidedness adhered to his text.”

They do not varify but they do vary!  Again  -- what is your point in presenting this fantasy?   Pro divine and personal revelation verses a studied approach to the biblical text?  That is what it sounds like this is what you are saying. 

You got it I must go to the Shrine of the Educated see professor Lockjaw who conflicts with professor knowitall. Bow to the professor he will lead you into ALL Truth. Then again depends on which institution you attend. They disagree too. I do not push Personal revelation. The Bible is simple to understand one only needs the Holy Spirit. Not a Theology degree.

So which can I trust?  Trust in Christ and the Message of His death for you.

KD Where can I find this message? Must I know Greek? Years of Higher criticism? Sorry Bub the Book says the salvation of God HATH APPEARED unto ALL Men Not just the Learned. I have one o dem higher educations. I use it for suckers that pay me big bucks cause I can use the terminology and impress em.
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