BLAINE:  Hmm, maybe you ought to print the version with NEPHI as the angel, 
Kevin, along with a source.  I don't seem to find it in my book along with all 
the others.  (:

Why was there NO account UNTIL 1832 and it did not even have 2 personages in it 
just an Angel NEPHI
Is that added information or something to be removed in a LATER version?
Technically not a contradiction just a small problem that can be excised by 
some revision & editing.


Kevin wrote:
The First vision is dated 1820. I am sure you are aware of the many different 

BLAINE: I am fully aware of the different versions. No contradictions, however, 
although they sometimes add information not present in other versions. Some 
versions are not from Joseph, but are second-hand versions as others have 
retold what they recall from Joseph telling them. They are all written in a 2 
volume set of books called THE PAPERS OF JOSEPH SMITH, published by Deseret 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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