On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 21:21:54 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy wrote  >  Jesus layed aside his former glory so he was not on this earth as God ...
And again later she says   >   Jesus did not come here as God. He layed aside his former glory and took upon himself a body of flesh made in the likeness of men. 
Judy, my friend, what does the name Emmanuel suggest to you?
jt responds: Emmanuel means "God with us" but the same scripture that calls Him Emmanuel also calls Him Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.  All true.
Ah, yes, but does it mean as you stated, that Jesus was not here with us on earth as God? Does it mean that while he was here, he was not God with us, Emmanuel?
jt: God is a Spirit and yes Jesus did represent (complete and total obedience to) God the Father while he was here (He only did and said what He first saw the Father doing and saying) and of course they were/are One since Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. However, He was never known as Jesus the Christ before the incarnation and during the time of His earthly ministry He had layed aside the glory he had with the Father to take upon Himself our likeness and he was here on earth as Christ Jesus, Messiah, Prince of Peace and Lamb of God for the sole purpose of being slain as a sacrifice for our sin.
Judy, I've never seen such slippery language in my life. Please excuse me, but I still do not understand your answer to my question. And so if you don't mind I'll ask it again. The question is, was Jesus God with us, and if so, why did you say he "did not come here as God," and if not, why do you say he is not Emmanuel?
jt: Have you ever heard of "rightly dividing the Word of Truth" Bill?  One can force scripture to validate anything when they come with a strong preconceived notion.
Jesus came here as the Son of God and during His incarnation He said and did only what He first saw the Father doing and saying> He said He had no power in and of Himself and that His Father was greater than He. As for Emmanuel and God with us .. When did I say He is not Emmanuel?  Why is this a big deal? In His preincarnate state He was the Rock Who travelled with Israel in the wilderness, so He has always been God with us, and still is (see 1 Cor 10:4)
What's the problem??

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