A smattering of applause from those who perceived the choice of 'thinkly' veiled to have been intentional. However Jt's 'deflector shields' allowed her to remain unscathed by Gary's 'phonton torpedoes'. Now we're talkin' 'rules of engagement'. (NB:she can't lose 'cause she can't be 'hit')
----- Original Message -----
Sent: February 12, 2005 06:06
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Original Sin

So, moderation today means jumping in to stir the pot and to notify all as to whose side you are on, along with identifying and card filing those in the discussion?.  Gary your hatred is thinkly veiled.
The observations sound familiar though:
"Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John and perceived that they were unlearned and ingnorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them that they had been with Jesus".
So ignorant and unlearned does not disqualify anyone who hears the voice of the Chief Shepherd. God is funny like that. He sometimes hides things from the wise and prudent.  jt
On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 16:48:39 -0700 [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
this is crucial--all posts carry interpretive baggage; obviously, jts 'science of intepretation', theologically, is not yours; also, she maintains that it's only her 'science of intepretation' that perfectly equates to 'rightly dividing the Word of Truth'
in the background, like 'stealth' is to a B1 bomber, the hermeneutic in play is that unlearnedness rules; in 'bible, bible, bible' posts laced with the authors' 'unlearnable' Truth, knowing without learning appears to be the operative hermeneutical dynamic
to account simultaneously for (e.g., jt's) aggressive anti-intellectual comments--parallel bias against those who know by or through learning together--requires some intelligence 
how could one cut through this w/o the foregoing assessment in play?
this is a high magnitude moderator conundrum--very complex; thanks for sticking with it, enquiring, etc.--its v helpful(!); hopefully the foregoing helps our readers to follow the discussion, too
On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 15:11:39 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
And I still don't understand, for that matter, why [jt] would say such things, 

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