that the term 'sodomites', below, includes purveyors of perversions such as gossip and gluttony reinforces a biblical learning curve, Terry
'sodomite' actually reads as a reference to those who dwelt in Sodom, where, acc to Scripture, there were numerous/various injustices
E.g., Sodom's description by the Prophets suggests a meaning for 'sodomite' which involves an array of exclusive cosmopolitan activities, a general corruption way beyond disfunctional and antisocial behaviors involving sexual disorder, deviance, etc.
IOW, the term below has been emptied of its biblical meaning and made to be extremely pejorative by design--notice to whom it is subtly applied on TT (including its archives)
..the SP 'world view' incorporates and intensifies certain cultural stereotypes partic for shotgun homiletical effect/s, a characteristic of 'knowing minus learning' style hermeneutics.. 
On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 22:04:29 -0600 Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kevin Deegan wrote:
So sodomites it is then!

How about perverts?  That should cover the whole filty disgusting bunch.

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