jt: I have nothing at all to "cover up" Bill.  If I am wrong and you show me where in scripture that is in balance and context I will thank you for it.  Terry has a unique way of expressing himself but if I understand him correctly he is not saying that Jesus had a fallen Adamic sin nature in a flesh body - he said he doesn't know.  Who is confusing the issue?
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 16:58:55 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Whatever, Judy. None of what you say below addresses the point at hand: it was you who claimed Jesus did not have two natures: "not all of us (me included) believe that Jesus had two natures." Why do you now engage yourself in a cover up? The post you criticized with that statement dealt with the question as to whether Jesus was an alloy (i.e., a hybrid; thanks Terry) or a union, and you know that. I will drop this now, but know when I do who it is that tries to confuse the issuesBill
Bill when you use the term "the nature of humanity" you are using a theological term and I have no idea whether or not you are saying the same thing as I am.  This is what I have been talking about all along.  You claim Jesus had a fallen Adamic nature just like us.  Paul describes how this works in Romans 7:17 where he says that when he does what he really doesn't want to do that it is not he who does it but sin that dwells in him and he later says that overcoming this tendency is in the "power of the cross".
What I am saying is the Romans 7:17 did not apply to Jesus when he walked this earth in a body of flesh because His flesh did not have sin dwelling in it. (Note: Paul's sin here was not volitional)  judyt
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 06:46:12 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Okay, and now you are talking about the NATURE of his humanity. Why are you too proud to admit that?  Bill
No problem with His human body Bill, it was then just like ours is now but without the taint of sin - like Romans 7 would not have applied to him as it does to us.  Today he has a transformed body that can walk through walls.  judyt
On Mon, 14 Feb 2005 06:19:52 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Still trying to confuse the issue, Judy? I told Kevin we could have a discussion on the particulars of his human nature, but that does not suit you well, does it?  Did Jesus leave footprints when he walked in the sand? It's a little difficult to answer that question without talking about the nature of his human body, isn't it, Judy?
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 18:21:36 -0700 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
That's the wrong question, Kevin. We can discuss the particulars of those natures if you like, but Judy's claim is that Jesus did not have TWO natures. Do you agree with her? Bill
jt: Kevin, I say he had a human body and a divine nature (meaning pure and holy and in the image of God the Father same as the first Adam) whereas Bill and his ppl along with the Church Fathers teach that Jesus was born exactly like us in every way or else we are not healed because what is not assumed is not healed - to which there is no rhyme or reason.  The very facts surrounding his birth belie such an assumption.
Which two natures are you asking about? Human/Divine - Impeccability/peccability of Christ

Bill Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Judy wrote  >  It wasn't unnoticed Lance but not all of us (me included) believe that Jesus had two natures.
Would all those who believe that Jesus did not have two natures -- one fully human, the other fully divine -- please weigh in? (the Mormons may exclude themselves if they wish). It would be nice to know how lonesome it's going to be around here. Bill 
It wasn't unnoticed Lance but not all of us (me included) believe that Jesus had two natures. We fallen ones are the double natured and double minded ones (after we have received Him and have been born of the Spirit) and before we grow into the unity of the faith. Why didn't you respond to Bill's post since you seem to be able to relate to everything he writes?  judyt
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 12:44:43 -0500 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:Gary:When you are right.........Bill Taylor wrote a masterful treatment on the two natures of Christ. It went largely unnoticed. And you...you're good you! (Crystal/DeNiro) I hope it works out the three of you to spend that time together.

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