I assume that you are making a point, but cannot fathom what that might be.

Bill Taylor wrote:

Terry wrote > If I recall correctly, Bill, John said that these particular 
"Gay" people were unsaved.  I believe he was patiently waiting for them to come 
around.  That, I believe, would indicate that their minds were still desperately wicked, 
would it not?

Terry, here is the sequence leading up to your statement:

David wrote: Sorry, but I didn't smile. Kevin is right. Kevin is very consistent in that he teaches we should be intolerant. That is why he gives the Mormons a hard time. Yet, Kevin is not as intolerant as the sodomites who preach tolerance, but then they commit all manner of intolerance, hatred and violence when someone opposes their agenda. David Miller.

John replied: And they are homosexuals, not sodomites.

And David responded  >  Why?  What's wrong with using Biblical terms?

Then John wrote:  Well, for one thing, it does not include the lesbian side of 
the circumstance nor does it apply to a hugh population of gay types.   Many do 
not practice sodomy.  Jd

To which Terry responded: How about perverts?  That should cover the whole 
filty disgusting bunch. Terry

---------- "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) http://www.InnGlory.org

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