In a message dated 2/14/2005 5:21:37 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>Bill wrote:
>>... he said that he was also speaking of
>>people who have those tendencies but
>>are not acting on them.
>Nevertheless, I also will point out that 1 Cor. 6:9 condemns the effeminate
>right along with adulterers and homosexuals.  Would you consider the
>effeminate to be perverts?

>David Miller.

Here is one thing that I do know........homosexuality [the NT word for, aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh, homosexuality]  is one of 26 sins listed in Romans 1.    And the point of Romans 1?   Does the phrase " and such are some of you"  ring any bells?   Envy and disobeying our parents are just as bad as homosexuality........................... same list, same ultimate conclusion. 

I actually believe that if we are given to confession  [i.e.  "if we keep on confessing .. " ] , two things happen;  (1) we are finally honest enough with ourselves to admit that continual confession necessarily means continuing sin issues AND  (2)  He is faithful and just to keep on cleansing us  !!!   The kid who gets heated up with this particular lust,  needs to confess and continually focus on the restorative grace of His God in Christ.   He, nor anyone, must stop sinning to be saved.   taking on the new nature will solve a lot of sin problems    ------    but those sins that so easily beset us ????   They  MAY take a lifetime to overcome.   

You think this to be a soft and permissive gospel?   Try preaching it.   Nothing permissive about.   In dealing with those who are not miraculously redeemed from their sin,  the only process is that which I have referred to above   ------------    it is true for us all.   And, so, when that kid "stumbles and falls,"  he is called to return to His faith  --  to hide in it.   Do you know how many continue in this "permissive gospel?"  Next to none.  And why is that?  BECAUSE IT IS NOT PERMISSIVE AT ALL, Enid.   And it is the only gospel we have.  And it is the only HOPE we have   ----   to be saved wholly by ANOTHER.  


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