Bill wrote:
> The word "gay," while not an accurate
> depiction of the homosexual lifestyle,
> has nonetheless become a figurative
> convention in our language.
> To use "gay" interchangeably with "homosexual"
> in this day and age does not necessarily indicate
> any bias at all on the part of the speaker.

Au contraire.  It indicates a bias that is the politically correct bias. 
What the homosexuals have done is manipulated the language to make a 
perversion appear good.  This is motivated by demons.  No Christian should 
accept the word "gay" as descriptive of homosexuals.  It is a shame that the 
Christians of the past have silently allowed these homosexuals to hijack the 
English language and pervert the word gay.

Bill wrote:
> BUT, because it is no longer a social
> convention to call a homosexual a "sodomite,"
> to do so is to demonstrate a strong and negative
> bias.

Exactly, which is why we Christians SHOULD use the word sodomite as often as 
we can.  We need to register a strong and negative opinion against 
homosexuality in our culture.  It brings persecution against us just as it 
brought persecution against the prophets of old, but it is persecution for 
righteousness sake, which is a blessing in disguise as it purifies our 

Bill wrote:
> This, it seems to me, ought to be at least
> a heads up to you and others who may still
> want to reach these people with the Gospel
> of our Lord

I'm not trying to make following the Lord a popularity thing.  I take the 
perspective that to follow Christ requires sacrifice and commitment.  Who is 
willing to lose their life?  Who is willing to die for Christ?  If you are 
not willing to give all to follow Christ, then you are not worthy of having 
faith in Christ.  You can only look forward to the wrath of God.  That is my 
perspective.  I'm not representing some club looking to increase its 
membership.  I'm representing the Lord of glory who commands men everywhere 
to repent of their evil deeds.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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