Kevin wrote:
> You need 20 / 20 Vision
> Publickly & House to House!
> Acts 20:20 And how I kept back nothing that was
> profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have
> taught you publickly, and from house to house

Kevin, we are talking about two different things.  I certainly do more 
teaching house to house than I do preaching publicly.  This house to house 
thing in this passage deals with the discipling process of basically having 
home church.  I do not see it as going out like a door to door salesman 
ringing door bells and sharing the gospel.  Again, I am not against that. 
If you do it, fine.  I may sometime in the future do it again.  What I was 
trying to say is that my time is limited and if I have a four hour block of 
time to give to evangelism, and the choice is door to door bell ringing or 
standing in a public area and preaching Christ, I will choose the preaching. 
Why?  Because it is much more effective.  It is a better use of my time. 
The truth is that as I look back, it has been many years since I have gone 
door to door witnessing.  I guess I find it rather intrusive into the 
private lives of others.

I did the door to door thing for many years and have logged thousands of 
hours doing it.  I only wish I had discovered public preaching back then.  I 
simply did not have the nerve for it nor knew that it was acceptable.  There 
were no role models for me back then.  I never knew a street preacher nor 
had I ever seen one until after I had graduated from high school.  Even 
after I met my first street preacher, I did not have the confidence to ever 
try preaching.  It took me many years before I took up the courage to do it.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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