John wrote:
>>> Campus yes   ----   street corner, no.
>>> But nothing I said is speculation.

David Miller wrote:
>> Very interesting, John.  Can you tell us more about
>> your experiences in campus preaching?  Do you still
>> do it?  When you did it before, how much did you do
>> it?  Did you see good fruit from it (conversions, the
>> starting of new ministries, the startup of new preachers,
>> etc.)?  Did you have any mentors?  If so, who (anybody
>> we know)?

John wrote:
> ... I will be glad to share.   I do not believe in
> street evangelism for a number of reasons, by
> the way.      But, before I came to that decision,
> I preached on the campus of College of the
> Siskyous [sp].   That was also the first of my in
> class ministries  --   as I call it.   I was a pastor
> in the small town of Weed, California.    I never
> talk about numbers when it comes to conversions.

Can you tell me more about what your experience was like?  For example, I 
know someone who tried to preach on campus once without any idea of what he 
was doing, and virutally nobody paid attention to him.  He was, in effect, 
speaking to the air.  His message was not pertinent.  It took only a few 
times of doing this before he gave up.

I'm trying to understand your background as a campus preacher.  How often 
did you practice this?  Did you preach only a few times in the open air 
trying to gather a crowd, or did you do this every day for a year, or what? 
Were you able to attract the attention of the students and engage them in 
meaningful dialogue through publicly preaching, or were you completely 
ignored by students and therefore judged the method ineffective because of 
that?  Please try to help me understand your experience.

I have met other ministers who no longer preach in the open air, only in the 
pulpit, but they always highly respect what I do, having experienced it 
themselves.  You are the first one who I have met who has done it but 
rejects it outright.  I truly would like to understand your experience a 
little better and why you are against the method.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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