BLAINE:  Hundreds?  Millions?  More of Kevin's exaggerating and
dirt-digging,  ho hum.  Yawn.  Time to knock off and hit the sack.  

On Sat, 26 Feb 2005 16:25:47 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan
> BLAINE says Only those who build on the sure rock will continue--that 
> rock is revelation given through the true servants of the Lord.
> He is that sure foundation buying hundreds of Forged documents for 
> Millions in Tithe money
> Follow the prophet he will never lead you astray
> The muderer & forger Hoffman fooled the whole first presidency 
> including Hinckley (far right)
> The SEER can't see even with a LOOKING Glass!
> BLAINE: The miracle was that he had a spiritual experience 
> convincing
> him of his sins and that the BoM was true after all. You must have 
> just
> read the headlines. 
> Bytheway, I want to tell you something. The LDS Church will continue 
> to
> advance and grow, because the people who are minding the store, so 
> to
> speak, have received their commission from above. You and your 
> street
> preacher friends stand in your own light, each one advancing his own
> cause, and his own slant on what true doctrine ought to be. You are
> destined to fall. Sooner or later, it will happen, so you'd better 
> start
> watching the curves the LDS Church throw you, Kevin, they will 
> inevitably
> win the war. You and your boys may win a battle now and again, but 
> the
> impetus is in favor of the LDS Church--it grows despite persecution 
> and 
> opposition. It has proven that numerous times.
> Speaking concerning His servants--LDS missionaries, prophets, 
> apostles,
> etc.--called up and chosen in these last days, the Lord has said:
> "Wherefore, fear and tremble , O ye people, for what I have decreed 
> in
> them shall be fulfilled. . . . And the arm of the Lord shall be 
> revealed;
> and the day cometh that THEY who will not hear the voice of the 
> Lord,
> PROPHETS AND APOSTLES, shall be cut off from among the people, for 
> have strayed from mine ordinances, and have broken mine everlastuing
> every man walketh in his own way, . . . "
> D&C 1:7-17
> It is the Lord's righteousness we are to advance, Kevin, not our own
> opinions, beliefs, dogmas, commandments, etc. Spiritual darkness 
> covers
> all the earth--it is rapidly ripening for destruction. Only those 
> who
> build on the sure rock will continue--that rock is revelation given
> through the true servants of the Lord.
> On Mon, 21 Feb 2005 17:12:53 -0800 (PST) Kevin Deegan
> writes:
> > Maybe he should personally make reparations to the LDS also!
> > AND he "performs" miracles WOW it must be of God
> > 
> > Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all 
> power 
> > and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of 
> > unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the 
> > love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause 
> God 
> > shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a 
> lie:That 
> > they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had 
> > pleasure in unrighteousness
> > 
> > 
> > 39-Year Baptist Minister Turned Charismatic Mormon Remnant 
> Gatherer
> >
> > 
> > 
> > For years and years I preached from the pulpit that Mormonism was 
> of 
> > the devil, that Joseph Smith was the founder of a cult. As a 
> > conservative Baptist minister I believed it vehemently with every 
> > fiber of my being. I was quite a "crusader for the truth," 
> > meaning--about as anti-Mormon as you can get. I hung out with John 
> > Ankerberg and Jerry Fallwell. I shamed my opponents, publicly 
> > confronted them, humiliated them wrote literature against them and 
> > campaigned from door to door with my fellow evangelical ministers. 
> > All in the name of Truth.
> > 
> > Then it happened...
> > 
> > One day our loving Father very quietly, very unassuming, but very 
> > very convincingly--without the help of any human instrument--let 
> me 
> > know that the precious restoration gospel, the Book of Mormon, and 
> > Joseph Smith were each sent to us from God our Father. Up 'till 
> that 
> > moment, I had my paradigm (Mormonism is of the devil) and our 
> > brothers have theirs (patriotism and Christianity are aligned). 
> Let 
> > God be God. And let it go.
> > 
> > Lynn
> > 
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > 
> > Missouri Mob Descendant Apologizes to Mormons, Performs Miracles
> > For Immediate Release
> > Jan. 24, 2005
> > 
> > By Greater Things News Service
> > (Not officially affiliated with Ezekiel Conference)
> > 
> > 
> > Lynn Ridenhour addresses
> > the Ezekiel Conference at the
> > Unitarian Church on Highland
> > Drive in Salt Lake City,
> > January 22, 2005
> > 
> > 
> > click for high-res
> > Lynn Ridenhour with Sterling
> > Allan a Mormon descendant,
> > who put his arm around
> > Ridenhour while he was
> > seeking to regain his
> > composure while tearfully
> > reading the Statement of
> > Repentance. Allan introduced
> > Ridenhour to John Bayley a
> > couple of years ago, and they
> > have been partners in ministry
> > ever since.
> > 
> > 
> > SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH -- Southern Baptist Minister, Lynn Ridenhour, 
> > issued
> > a tearful public apology Saturday to the Mormons for the actions 
> of 
> > his
> > ancestors in persecuting and driving the Mormons from Missouri in 
> > the
> > 1800's. Speaking at the invitation of the Ezekiel Seminar in Salt 
> > Lake
> > City on Jan. 22, 2005, Ridenhour read a prepared statement which 
> was
> > warmly received by the audience of 160 predominantly Mormon 
> > participants,
> > who embraced him and offered their forgiveness in turn.
> > 
> > Ridenhour's statement said that though he was raised and trained 
> to 
> > speak
> > against the Mormons as a cult, he came to see that while their 
> > beliefs
> > are different, they are not a cult.
> > 
> > Having discovered in his family history that his Missouri 
> ancestors 
> > "were
> > involved in the Mormon War, running the Mormons out of the state," 
> > he
> > took occasion in his speaking engagement to offer the apology on 
> > behalf
> > of his ancestors and to ask for forgiveness.
> > 
> > Ridenhour presently resides in Independence, Missouri, where he 
> > leads a
> > charismatic revival that includes an honored place for the Book of
> > Mormon.
> > 
> > The "Statement of Repentance" was read in the course of a lecture 
> > titled,
> > "I'm looking for a church," in which he itemized five aspects 
> which 
> > all
> > turned out to be features of the LDS Church at the time of Joseph 
> > Smith:
> > Manifest presence of God, taking God out of the "box", prophetic,
> > welcomes signs and wonders, worshippers.
> > 
> > Ridenhour told of going through accounts of Mormon History and
> > documenting the number of manifestations of the various gifts of 
> the
> > spirit, from speaking in tongues, to raising the dead, healing the 
> > sick
> > and appearances of angels. He also told of his experience reading 
> > the
> > Book of Mormon for the first time. "It was like being born again 
> --
> > again!" "The Book of Mormon is more Baptist than the Baptist 
> > hymnal," he
> > said, referencing the core Baptists doctrines propounded there.
> > 
> > He was recently contacted by a key leader figure in the 
> Pentecostal
> > church who asked him if he really believed in the Book of Mormon, 
> > and
> > then confessed that he too has been a believer for many years, but 
> > has
> > not been able to come out of the closet because of his position in 
> > the
> > Pentecostal church. Ridenhour has scheduled a time not long from 
> now 
> > to
> > have this minister come to Independence and go on record publicly 
> as 
> > a
> > Book of Mormon believer. Being over some 168 congregations, his
> > confession ought to turn some heads.
> > 
> > At the end of the conference, Ridenhour, along with his 
> ministerial
> > partner, John Bayley -- also a Book of Mormon believer and Mormon 
> > lover
> > -- ministered to the group assembled, performing several miracles 
> of
> > healing and giving "a word of knowledge" to numerous people who 
> were
> > astonished at the accuracy of the words of inspired wisdom being 
> > spoken
> > to them that were so specific and timely for their unique 
> > situations. One
> > LDS woman spoke in tongues as she was filled with the Holy Ghost, 
> > which
> > was then interpreted to her great joy and weeping. Not all who 
> > sought
> > healings were healed on the spot, but were promised they could be 
> > healed.
> > 
> > This was around the 18th Ezekiel Conference to be held, and the 
> > first
> > time they had this kind of open manifestation of such miracles in 
> > their
> > midst. The conferences commenced about three years ago because of 
> > many
> > people being touched by an account of a ten-year-old girl who died 
> > from a
> > diabetic coma and returned from death without the veil, who 
> > apparently
> > has continued to have near daily encounters with Jesus on a level 
> of
> > familiarity surpassing what most people have in a best friend or 
> > parent.
> > The purpose of the ongoing conferences is to teach about the gifts 
> > of the
> > spirit and foster their identification and development in the 
> lives 
> > of
> > people for the blessing of mankind.
> > 
> > 
> > click for high-res
> > John Bayley
> > 
> > 
> > John Bayley addressing
> > the Ezekiel conference.
> > 
> > 
> > John Bayley with Sterling
> > Allan, who met him in 2002
> > when John was ministering
> > in Manti Utah.
> > 
> > 
> > click for high-res
> > John Bayley issues the
> > word of the Lord given
> > him the morning of the
> > Conference.
> > 
> > 
> > John Bayley with Gina
> > Bailey, LDS instructor and
> > inspirational speaker
> > and singer.
> > 
> > 
> > This was the first conference that Ridenhour attended, having been
> > introduced to conference founder and director, Doug Mendenhall by 
> > John
> > Bayley. Doug met John in December 2003. He was in Independence 
> doing 
> > a
> > conference, in which three speakers had canceled. Not knowing what 
> > to
> > do, he said "the Lord said to go anyway and he would provide." 
> Once
> > there, he saw John Bayley, didn't know him, and said "the Spirit 
> > told me
> > to go ask him to speak." He did, and Bayley gladly obliged.
> > 
> > Bayley has been a regular speaker since that time, beloved by 
> those 
> > who
> > attend, who find great humor in the fact that he is a black man 
> with
> > beaded hair. "He's like Samuel the Lamanite of Book of Mormon 
> > times,"
> > said one conference goer, inasmuch as he is non LDS coming among 
> > them to
> > stir them up to repentance and remembrance of their birthright, to 
> > be
> > better LDS than they have been. "Wake the sleeping giant" was the 
> > message
> > of both Bayley and Ridenhour.
> > 
> > Ridenhour and Bayley spurred the conference attendees to awaken 
> > their
> > fellow Mormons to return to the glory days of the prophet Joseph 
> > Smith in
> > which the gifts of the spirit were a vital part of their daily 
> > lives,
> > sometimes continuing all day and into the night in great 
> outpourings 
> > in
> > their midst.
> > 
> > Bayley said he was given a word of the Lord regarding the Mormon 
> > church
> > the second morning of the two-day conference. He said that the 
> Lord 
> > was
> > not pleased that so many had been excommunicated by the shepherds 
> > who
> > were supposed to be tending the flock. He said that the Lord will 
> be
> > very displeased when he returns if he finds any outside the fold 
> who 
> > are
> > supposed to be in, and that those responsible for their removal 
> will
> > themselves be removed if this is not remedied.
> > 
> > The word he gave promised that if the church would restore those 
> who 
> > had
> > been removed, they would become three times more powerful and grow 
> > three
> > times as large. Bayley himself has been disciplined by his 
> Christian
> > brothers, being removed from a position of high leadership because 
> > of
> > being a "Mormon lover."
> > 
> > Ridenhour said that the "two sticks" prophecy in Ezekiel is not 
> just
> > about the Bible and the Book of Mormon becoming one in the hand, 
> but 
> > that
> > the people of the Bible and the people of the Book of Mormon will 
> > become
> > one as well.
> > 
> > "In Old Testament times, God manifest his glory in the cloud, but 
> > not his
> > person. In New Testament times, God manifest his person but not 
> his
> > glory. In our day, he is going to manifest both his glory and his
> > person."
> > 
> > ----------
> > "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that 
> you 
> > may know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6) 
> >
> > 
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> > 
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