Lance Muir wrote:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: March 15, 2005 15:02
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Fw: Jasc Paint Shop Photo Album 5 images]

Since it's March Break, the kids are home. I walked in to hear Caspian playing his guitar, recording his own music upstairs on his computer. That was kind of a neat juxtaposition with the Dylan Chronicles and imagining the young Dylan!
What I like about Dylan's writing is how he describes people, and captures them in a few essential details--but I hope I don't have to try to keep track of all these people he crosses paths with, as there are so many! For me the reading gets in the way, though; I can't quite describe how, but it's distracting. I'm too aware of the voice and tone, it's almost like I have to get behind it or under it to really hear the words. That's kind of ironic, isn't it. 
...Or maybe it was just that hell was distracting me. Hell can be a hell of a distraction. I don't know what to say/think about what Terry wrote, except that I don't believe there are ever times when God doesn't love, or people he doesn't love--whatever other daddies might do. John said on the phone this morning that no theology accounts for everything, and I agree.

    Dear sister:
If you agree with John, you disagree with God.  If you believe that God always loves, then you do not believe the Bible.  Since the Bible is God's holy word, you do not believe God.  Logic says that this makes you an unbeliever.  You cannot pick and choose verses to paint your own picture of God.  Believing eighty-five percent of God's word will not save you.

  Please look at just one of many examples found in the Bible.  God hated Esau.  God hates sin.  Esau was a sinner as we all are.  The only difference in Esau and a true Christian is that true Christians have turned from their sin to Christ.  They no longer live for themselves.  They consider the flesh to be dead and live in the spirit, for Christ.  It is a real simple thing.  We die to self.  We live for Him.  What He says, we believe.  That is being a believer.  What He commands, we do.  That is called being faithful. 

God has told us to examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith.  That is not a hard thing to do.  Just ask yourself, "Do I believe what He says, and am I faithful to do as commanded"? 

Jesus did not go part way to the cross.  He paid it all.  God,the Son, who hates sin with a passion, became sin, so that we would have an opportunity to avoid Hell.  A perfect sinless being took on Himself the filth of the world.  One hundred percent.  He did the hardest thing ever done, and He did it for you.  If you had been the only sinner in the world, He would have paid that price for you because He loves you that much.  To trifle with that love, to believe only part of what He says, to only be partially obedient, is to reject the sacrifice, to spit on the Son, and to deserve every moment spent in Hell.
Something to think about.

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