Caroline wrote:
 Someone asked about Jeffrey Dahmer - or at least that's who I think the poster 
was referring to when he said homo cannibal. 
If Jeffrey Dahmer accepted Jesus and if he called upon the name of Jesus and 
pled the blood of Christ, God would have to love him and say to him, "welcome 
my son" wouldn't He? That's the rules isn't it? Who we were and what we did 
have no bearing on God isn't it? It's just the one criteria - did he or didn't 
he say the Sinner's prayer isn't it? Ditto for people who may have said it in 
youth camp when they were 8 and later became a Hitler or Osama Bin Ladin too, 
right? Do good all your life but still roast in hell if you're Buddhist. Be 
nasty and eat people but say the Sinner's prayer and you're in, right? 
Everything else is just blah, blah, blah whatever in God's ears, right? No 
pleading ignorance, special circumstances, victimization, abuse, insanity, 
boring sermons....
BTW, Jeffrey Dahmer did confess Christ and converted before he died.

BLAINE:  Hi Caroline!!  This is an interesting line of thought.  I am thinking 
about what you have written, will let you know later, maybe, what enters my 
brain.  As for now, I am glad Jeffery D. made some sort of peace with his God, 
or at least He whom he was taught was God.  For some reason, however, I feel a 
little uneasy with the thought that he got off so easily, just confessing 
Christ and etc.  He destroyed a lot of lives, and I find it hard to believe he 
will be up there in heaven with a halo after all that.    Hmm, as I said, I 
will give this some thought. I guess what I am thinking at the moment is that 
repentance may be more difficult and more time consuming than most traditional 
Christians might believe.  I believe it is possible, but the human psych being 
what it is, self-forgiveness is important, and I feel Jeffery may have some 
problems in this area.  I am reminded of the story of a man who killed an 
entire family in Viet Nam, and later went off his rocker and had to be 
committed to an insane asylum--one problem was t
hat he kept seeing the family he killed appear at his bedside at night, 
apparently wanting to know what his justification was.  Since he had none, he 
went off the deep end.  I believe it is an inherant human need to justify what 
one does, and if one cannot do this, he cannot obtain true forgiveness, whether 
accepting Jesus or no.
"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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