Following is a short report I sent to a man in California who has expressed interest in my activities out here in Florida.  I thought some of you might like to check out the video and read some of this report as well.  I don't know how long the video link will be there.  Probably not longer than today, if that long.  If I can get the television clips this afternoon of the banners, I will forward them so you can see what message I was sending out.
Hi bobby.  Here's a short report just for you, because you have shown great interest in what I'm doing over here.
I brought two of my children with me to the hospice last night (ages 7 & 9).  I had a lot of trouble doing any actual preaching.  I decided to leave the Truth Horn in the car and use only my voice because of my previous problems.  In retrospect, this was a good decision.  Although there were some there who greatly appreciated and supported me raising my voice, many did not.  This time it was Randall Terry himself of Operation Rescue fame who asked me to be quiet.  At one point I tried to involve more of the crowd by getting them to chant, "Give Terri Water."  My thinking was that people watching the news at home could hear why we were there, and if enough people joined in, maybe the naysayers would be quiet.  It worked at first, but when the producer of "Hannity and Colmes" expressed her objection, everybody got on my case and rebuked me. 
You can hear this effort at getting a chant going by viewing a video of the Hannity and Colmes show on the Fox News website,  Go to  At the left is a box that is titled, "Time Running Out."  There are two Videos listed.  Click on the first one, "Terri's Brother, Sister Talk to Fox."  You can hear me in the background about half way through the video, and it continues for about one-fourth of the video clip.  I was able to get a lot of people to join in before being shut down.  After this, I focused upon trying to get my signs shown on camera. I should be able to get some pictures this afternoon from some of the television broadcasts so you can see what the banners looked like on the news.  Let me know what you think about my meager effort to get the crowd to chant.  Do you think I was out of order and being too disruptive?  It just seemed to me that we were out there to protest and express ourselves.  I do not understand why everyone wants to be quiet and just hold signs.
I guess this kind of event requires banners only, although there was one kid out there rebuking us all for holding signs.  He said we needed to be praying on our knees, not holding dumb signs.  Strange that he was not leading us by example.  He had no sign, but he was not on his knees praying either.
Doors were opened on separate occasions for me to talk personally with Terri's brother Bobby, and also Sean Hannity.  They both are very disturbed by what is happening and it was a blessing to hear them off camera share their hearts.  Bobby Shindler has a wonderfully meek personality, very easy to approach, and he is very giving of his time.  He took the time to shake the hands of my two girls and talk with them too.  My children appreciated meeting the brother of Terri because they have been so concerned about Terri not receiving food and water.  They don't understand why the police won't let her brother put water in Terri's mouth.
Peace be with you.
David Miller.

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