Lance wrote:
> David Miller is perhaps the best one to reference
> when making this point. He engages JS and BT
> ad nauseum on the smallest of points. He deems
> these distinctions to be of great importance.

>From my perspective, most of the theology issues are relatively minor. 
Concepts about the incarnation, or justification by faith, the role of the 
faith of Christ, etc. are all enjoyable considerations, but I often yawn at 
the huge about of time spent discussing these obvious issues.  On the other 
hand, when I see someone break the ninth commandment and bear false witness 
against someone else, that is very serious.  I try my best to help the other 
person understand their error.  What good does it do for them to understand 
all the mysteries of the universe and yet not have love?  They can get all 
their theology right, but if they sin against others, what good is that?

Lance wrote:
> Are they misunterstanding one another or disagreeing
> with one another or a little bit of both with a dash teaching
> (?) thrown in for good measure?

For me, John is probably the most difficult person to communicate with on 
the list.  He rarely understands what I try to communicate with him.  I have 
been evaluating this, and I think that perhaps I have thought too highly of 
him in the past.  I am beginning to realize that I need to expect less, 
which means that I will decrease the level of communication that I attempt 
with him.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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