David Miller wrote:
Terry wrote:
> I think that when He said, "Church", He meant
> Church.  If He had meant churches, He would
> have said churches.
I agree.  He meant church.  The question is, did he have a specific church in mind, or did he have a huge worldwide organization in mind like Roman Catholicism or the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints?  A few chapters later, in Mat. 18, Jesus uses the word church in the singular there also.  Does he have in mind there some gigantic worldwide metaphysical church or does he have in mind a local church?  It seems to me in Mat. 18, we can infer from context that he has in mind a local church.  The problem in Mat. 16 is that there isn't much context from which to make a determination.  Most people assume a worldwide assembly, but I think that comes more from culture than from illumination from the Holy Spirit.
If we translate the word "church" here as "congregation," like Tyndale's translation did, would you read it differently?  If Jesus said, "upon this rock I will build my congregation...," does it make it easier for you to see how the local congregation might be what Jesus has in mind?  Was Jesus really trying to indicate his intent to build an empire, a global church, or was he keenly interested in a quality congregation in Jerusalem, knowing in the back of his mind that at some point he would replicate this and also build other churches?
Peace be with you.
David Miller
Try to grt over the idea that the Church is a small or large organization.  It is neither  It is a living organism, a spiritual house made of living stones.  It is the Church, singular, one, with one cornerstone, one foundation, and a jillion living stones being added all the time, all over the world.  The head is Jesus Christ.  It is His Church.  There are no guys with dresses and funny hats in charge.

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