So, while we are proof-texting like a drunken sailor,   we might consider this:  Jews lived and died as the the King of the ......................................... JEWS.   His lineage was  ..............................Jewish.    He was killed by the   .............................  Jews.    The church was EXCLUSIVELY ................................  JEWISH  THROUGH ACTS 7.  All of his immediate disciples were  .............................................Jews.  Everyone in the upper room (both occasions)  were  .................................Jewish.    The expansion of the ministry (to the Gentiles)  is first given to Peter in a vision  sometime after the cross.   When Jesus sends his 12 out on mission, they are sent to the  .......................Jews and "not to the Gentiles )  Matt 10:5,6.    In Matt 15:24,  Christ tells us that His mission is to the  .............................................Jews and not to anyone else."   Why?  How can this be?   Because of John 4:7  --  "salvation is of the Jews."  

When Christ speaks of the "few there be" who will accept the salvation offered to them,  He is speaking to the Jews and of the Jews.  Does He intend to included all of mankind?  Absolutely  --   and He does.   But there is a politic to this inclusion that began with Adam and came down to the world through Israel.   The picture of the uncountable multitudes in Rev. 7 is a blessed hope for us all    ........................  and is UNDENIABLE, folks  (in a meaningful sense of the word.)

I should get three points for this slam dunk  !!!!  

Pastor Smithson
Slam dunk?  You aren't even on the court.

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