Title: Carolines Blog - Today's Post

I figured that might get a rise out of you.  Milder than I expected, by far, I might add. :-)  Cats are not anything like salvation.  If they were, no dog owner would ever want to be saved.


My dog and cat are very devoted to each other.  This may be simply for the fact that they like having someone to wrestle with, admittedly.  (You should see that comedic act every morning in the sunroom!) Recently I locked the cat in a room up on the third floor while we had a Resident party going on (you never know who has a cat allergy).  Callie (the cat) was whining pitifully from her prison.  Lacey (the dog) walked up to me, barked very demandingly one sharp rebuke, and stared me straight in the eyes until I relented and let the cat out.  Then they practically hugged each other with joy, rubbing against each other and smiling little dog/cat smiles.  No wonder cats and dogs don’t need redeeming. J Izzy




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