Debbie wrote:
> When I said that perhaps you were indeed more righteous,
> I meant it. You may well be far ahead of me on many matters
> of behaviour.

One hindrance to our communicating is this idea of comparing ourselves with 
one another.  I do not do that, but you do.  I have no thought of me being 
better than you, or farther ahead than you, or any such notions.  For me, 
sanctification was not a process. I just walked in it according to the 
Spirit, and I think everyone can right away.  I do not like the idea of 
holiness being a process whereby one finally stops sinning one day. 
Holiness is a growth process, but it begins with ceasing sin.

Debbie wrote:
> But you alternate between harshness and condescension
> in the way you talk to other believers on TT, which you
> do not seem to see.

I would not characterize it this way.  I recognize that I am firm and stern 
at times, but I believe it is appropriate for the situation.  I always 
examine myself to see if I am pushing someone too far to the edge.  I could 
at times be wrong on this and I realize it.  However, characterizing me as 
harsh or condescending is not something I recognize as accurate.  I see this 
coming when people project their own attitude that they would have if they 
would say the same things that I say.

Debbie wrote:
> I imagine there must still be an appreciable gap between
> you and perfection, yet I don't hear any sorrow or longing
> over that. But perhaps if I encountered you in person,
> I would see and hear you differently.

Perhaps I am as joyful in my reconciliation to the holiness of Christ as you 
are in your salvation.  :-)  I am very optimistic that he who has begun his 
good work in me will complete it.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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