Caroline wrote:
> Judgment and punishment yes but neither is conclusive
> that humans are judged and punished eternally in light
> of what Gehenna means. Do you have other
> verses?

Yes I do have other verses, but you are dismissing these Mark 9 passages too 
quickly.  Keep in mind that all passages are open to interpretation, but 
there is a true interpretation and many false interpretations.  Don't be 
looking for a passage that nails it down to some indisputable conclusion. 
When considering revelation, we weigh heavily on the side of those we trust 
(like Jesus, apostles, Scripture, etc.).  Some Pharisees have written on the 
Isaiah passage and comment that it is a temporary thing.  However, the 
comments of Jesus here indicate that Jesus considers it eternal.  Read it 
carefully and see if you can understand how Jesus was interpreting the 
Isaiah 66 passage.  Why does he emphasize, "where their worm dieth not and 
the fire is not quenched."  When I get some time, I will be glad to follow 
up later with some other passages and perhaps some more commentary on these.

Peace be with you.
David Miller. 

"Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know 
how you ought to answer every man."  (Colossians 4:6)

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