From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Judy wrote:
> It is possible for things to be true and not God's Truth - there are two kinds of wisdom
> you know.
I would like you to elaborate a little more on this concept, Judy. Is the concept of gravity God's truth or another kind of truth?
I'd say that natural law is true but that Truth in and of itself is a higher law.  Jesus is the Way, Truth, and Life. He is the Creator and natural law is part of the creation.
If an atheist who is married thinks it would be good for him to love his wife, would this be God's truth or another kind of truth?
If he's an athiest then he is walking in darkness anyway and who knows how he defines love to start with; we can know one thing, his perception would not be the all giving God kind of love because that would be counter to his fallen nature.
I seem to remember a post way back there that I meant to reply to but did not have time.  You said something about sin being a spirit being.  I don't think I have ever heard that concept before.  Can you elaborate on this too?
Yes, sin is a spiritual problem. It was a being who spoke to Eve in the garden and when she agreed in her heart it entered and became part of her being.  When God confronted A&E after this event (all of a sudden they knew they were naked and they were in hiding); he didn't ask "How did you know?"  He said "Who told you?"  Sin is a who.  Caroline pointed out God's words to Cain in Gen 4:7 about "sin lying at the door and desiring to have him but he must rule" which are similar to Jesus words to Peter about "Satan desiring to sift him like wheat"  Cain was already angry and of course he didn't rule, sin got the best of him and he murdered his brother.

Are there any passages of Scripture where you perceive sin as a spirit being?  Is it only one spirit being, or are there many spirit beings called sin?  I'm having trouble grasping exactly what you mean.
Yes, I believe God is a Spirit and Satan is a spirit.  There is a kingdom of light and a kingdom of darkness.  The powers of darkness all serve the same king so it does not matter whether he comes in person or sends one of his emissaries. The important thing is that we recognize who is speaking and act accordingly.
Grace and Peace,

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