
Yes, I am aware of John MacArthur's biases. Did you consider Zodhiates' position relative to the translation of "Hapax"? He also indicates that "Hapax" is used in a couple of different senses, but specifically references Jude 3 as being one of the instances similar to the sacrifice...it occurred once and it will never occur again.

When this is related to "the faith" which has been entrusted, or delivered once to the saints, it will never be delivered, or entrusted, to the saints again. It is done. What is this faith for which they were to contend earnestly? Notice the definite article "the". Not "your" faith or "my" faith. Personal faith is not being addressed. "The faith" refers to the whole gospel of Christ, delivered to the saints, and written about by them in our books of the New Testament. BTW, I also believe that "the saints" refers to ALL believers, and that the delivery method IS the New Testament.

None of this means that personal revelation can't occur, in the sense of revealing scriptural meaning to individuals, and possibly even revealing other things....but no NEW revelation, that is, nothing that contradicts "the faith" (which has been recorded in the New Testament) that was delivered ONCE FOR ALL to the saints. The mormon works fail this particular test because they attempt to ADD TO AND CHANGE "the faith".


From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org
To: <TruthTalk@mail.innglory.org>
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Baptism 4 dead?
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2005 21:29:38 -0400

Perry wrote:
> The NASB gives a clearer rendition of "hapax"
> (clarifying, not reinterpreting) since "hapax" is
> an "aorist passive", indicating that the action
> occurred once and will never occur again.
> I am not a greek scholar; this description comes
> from John MacArthur.

You really have to be careful here, Perry. There is no aorist tense in
English, and I have often seen Greek scholars make blundering mistakes in
trying to force it into past tense, and in this case, give an issue of
finality to it. Surely you know that John MacArthur is heavily biased
against revelation and the gifts of the Spirit. I don't have time right now
to do some homework on this, but if you have an interest, I would be willing
to spend some time to elaborate on this by showing you some other verses
with this tense that cannot possibly be translated as they do here.
However, in this case, the meaning of the word translated as "once" needs to
be considered too, and that does have numerical meaning.

Perry wrote:
> Jude is essentially describing the closure in the
> delivery of the faith...that it was complete and
> over as delivered to the saints.

I don't see any closure to delivering faith. Faith continues to be
delivered even today through godly ministers. Haven't you ever preached and
seen faith arise in the hearts of people? He uses the word "once" because
he is delineating this faith that he has in mind from the adulterated faith
that was then being promulgated among them by ungodly men. He is urging
them to contend for that faith that was originally delivered to the saints.
This is a faith based upon holiness and righteousness, not one based upon
prosperity and lasciviousness.

Peace be with you.
David Miller.

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