Caroline Wong wrote:
Are we all assuming this man was confessing pedophilia? Or was he confessing something else like anger or sloth or is that all perversion to you, Terry? I know some here believe they don't sin but some here regularly confesses to the Lord. Are those who regularly confess sins in their prayer Christian perverts?
"Why do you call me Lord, and do not do as I tell you to do?"  That was the question Jesus asked.  The implication is that if you are serving yourself instead of serving Him, you are lost.  He will not be your Savior under those conditions, no matter what this continual sin is.

  I do not know how your mind works.  Is it a favorite sin that you insist on keeping, or do you have a casual attitude toward all sin, or is it sin that is not deliberate that you fall into before you even know it?  These are things you need to address the next time you pray.  Just you and Him.  I have my own salvation to work out.

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