I don't remember saying anything about co-saviors Caroline - where do you get this from? Co-laboring is entirely different. Paul says in 1 Cor 3:9 that he and Apollos were co-laboring with God; one plants and the other waters.  In our own lives we are to labor to enter into rest Hebrews 4:11 - It doesn't all just fall on us because Jesus went to the cross.  He's done His part but now it's time for us to take care of ours or - "How will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation?"  judyt
On Sun, 15 May 2005 15:13:19 -0500 "Caroline Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
So we are to be co-saviours with Jesus Christ? Love, Caroline
Salvation being a "gift" is speaking of it in our own "cultural context" as in children's Christmas musicals etc.
However, if you will read scripture in balance and in context you will find that we are to labor together with
God to "work out our own salvation with fear and trembling"  It is not anything we catch by osmosis and
just because Jesus became a man and made it does not guarantee we will.  He left us an example that we
should follow in His steps and sent the Promise to empower us to do so.  
Many are called - but "overcomers" will be the chosen ones in the Last Day.  judyt
On Sun, 15 May 2005 03:02:57 -0500 "Caroline Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
A great verse that bolsters Paul's argument that all Israel will be saved because God made a promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
I wonder.... what can we apply this verse to?  What gifts and calling have been given to us? Salvation? gasp!
What scripture tells us to check the culture? You watch too much TV!

Rom 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
That was then (John Wesley) and, this is now (David & Kevin). These are
quite different cultural contexts.

From: "David Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Caroline Wong wrote:
> > I've met many Christians from many different churches
> > and denominations (including Methodist/Wesleyan)
> > and never came across a Street Preacher.
> The father of the Methodist/Wesleyan tradition was John Wesley. He was a
> street preacher who first preached outside while standing on his father's
> grave because those of the religious establishment didn't want him in
> pulpit. If it were not for street preachers, there would be no Methodists
> or Wesleyans. I encourage you to read more about John Wesley and his
> preaching. Wesley first observed George Whitefield open air preaching and
> described it as disorderly. Wesley seemed to think of it like some of the
> detractors here in this forum, describing it as "almost a sin." After
> air preaching for 33 years, Wesley still described it as a cross to him,
> he knew his commission and could see no other way to preach the gospel to
> every creature. The bottomline is that God used John Wesley mightily in
> open air preaching and he could not deny the results. Many of us have
> similar testimonies.
> I grew up in the Methodist tradition too, and I never saw someone
> outside until I was well into my twenties. This is sad, because Jesus did
> it, the apostles did it, it is in the Bible, and it is found in the
> tradition of the Methodists, Salvation Army, Puritans, and even in the
> history of evangelists like Billy Graham.
> Peace be with you.
> David Miller.
> ----------
> "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may
know how you ought to answer every man." (Colossians 4:6)
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