Terry in bold and my response in whatever this color is. 
My weight is not the problem.  It's my height.  About two feet short? Something like that.  Am I hell bound for spending that $250 on my model car?  No.  Do you feel guilty?  My guilt was not the question.  The sin of omission is.   In a little while,   I am going in a take a nap.   Should I be in ministry somewhere instead?  Definetly not.   Again, not the point.....but I did leave myself open for that one.   We don't want you preaching what you espouse. I am confident that God does.  I could live without the sleep.   I got angry with my younger boy, yesterday.   Probably still angry when I went to bed last night.   Lost or saved?  Ask the Lord.  He makes those decisions  Actaully, I know the answer -  but does a works salvationist have an answer?   I am an addict.   I come to the Lord and want to be what He wants me to be.    But it is going to take some time.   Lost or saved?  How much time?  God only  allows you a certain amount of time?  
The point of all this, from my perspective, is that God had better judge us according to grace because legally, we are all dead men walking.    If event sin doesn't get you, character flaws will, and if that doesn't convict you, then the sin of omission will do you in.    None of this means that we don't try, that we are free to live unto ourselves without consequence.
I can appreciate what you are trying to convey about grace.  Without it our hope of Heaven would instead be despair.  As to how much time, yes, God only gives you so much time.  Remember when He called one to follow Him and the guy said he would follow when his father died?  Remember that he was left behind?  Remember when He forgave the woman?  Did he tell her to slowly taper off on her sins, or did He tell her "Go, and sin no more"? 
When I got saved, I was dipping snuff, drinking four sixpacks a day and cursing with the best of them.  In addition, I was filled with hate for my enemies, selfish, and full of pride.  Some of that ended the day I got saved and the rest of it ended as I learned that it was not pleasing to God.  If one knows he/she is doing wrong and will not stop, he or she has not denied self. If self still rules, Christ does not,  and there is a very real question as to whether or not that person/addict was ever saved.


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