Lance I find it curious that no matter what the subject you are ALWAYS able to revert the discussion back to
something critical of David Miller. So you don't believe he has a spiritual gifting? This reflects more upon where
you are than whether or not he is used by God in this dimension.  Also you are doubletalking.  You just got
through calling Christine a carbon copy of her dad - so why would she need to be briefing him IYO?  jt
On Tue, 24 May 2005 06:51:05 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
The vortex of the whirlpool awaits. Why not ask 'the prophet' if he sees connections where you and Iz do not? He just might surprize you. If he did, by the by then, he'd really surprize me! I believe him to be largely culturally disconnected. I trust that Christine briefs him when she's home.
Have you also tallied up third world debt? Money owed the US by other nations, and the cost of Canada's irresponsibility the times they opted out and reaped the benefits anyway?  Someone always pays the price... It is hopelessly naive to think that if noone does anything - things will right themselves.  Would Europe be  Western today if Charles Martel had not beaten back the Islamic hoard when they got to Spain?  jt
On Tue, 24 May 2005 04:35:15 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Mr. Rogers says (from the neighborhood in the sky) 'hey kids, can we say seven trillion, nine hundred and thirty-seven billion?' Bankruptcy awaits.
First you must have one.....

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why would we be? We are not invading countries to build an empire.
I’m sure you and Canada are not being judged for anything at all.  How lovely for you.  Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
You, collectively, are being judged now for your consumerist, religious, non-kingdom building (see Dallas Willard on this), dualist, gnostic approach to what should be an embodied gospel. God may well be using 'them' to judge you.

From: Judy Taylor

Would you rather have mid east cloak and dagger along with muslim violence and insanity.  Also how can you be

so sure that God is not involved with what is happening in the middle east. How are you so sure it is not the time

of Iraq's visitation?  Through history God has always used one nation to judge another.  Yes, the US will be

judged also but - IN GOD'S TIME - Not Lance's.  jt


On Mon, 23 May 2005 09:18:21 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

'If' is the operative wordy, Izzy. Given GWB's track record, it isn't looking hopeful. Under the guise of 'spreading democracy', (read 'plant bases/troops near the oil supply) he has set much of the middle east aflame. I'd say that the neo-cons have his ear more than God.  


FYI, Lance, the “Kingdom” is the rule and reign of Christ.  If He rules and reigns in my life then I am in his Kingdom.  If GWB can be used to bring America more under the rule and reign of Christ in one area or another then that is a good thing.  God can use anyone with a willing heart, including GWB. So don’t be so contemptuous. Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir

Your last sentence is that which you, Judy, should take to 'heart'. You are in a kind of bondage along with D & I. Anyone who believe that GWB is bringing in the kingdom is, I'm afraid, out to lunch.



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