methinks you are too opinionated about what you are unfamiliar with

Judy Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Please describe for me the hierarchy on TT? I know you will call DM a pope but who are the cardinals,
bishops, etc?  BSF may have a board but there is no religious hierarchy as in rcc (Magisterium) and they do
not push their own peculiar doctrine; BSF encourages Bible Study and reliance on the Holy Spirit.  Lance
methinks you are too opinionated about what you are unfamiliar with ...  jt
On Tue, 24 May 2005 06:43:16 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Thanks for the early morning smile. It matters that you do not 'see' however, God is blessing you in your faithfulness.
Also, politics is virtually omnipresent. It is in BSF, TT and, even your household.
I see a connection between the rcc and corporations but then I do not think the rcc in any way reflects the KofG
It is political and the antithesis of all that is good, pure, and holy.  Jesus said we are to have one Lord and the
rest of us are brethren.  You see a connection because you are so into the teachings of the rcc church fathers
but this is the teaching of the Nicolaitians that Jesus hates. jt
On Tue, 24 May 2005 06:17:16 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Iz has quoted him on TT and, more than once. If you do not see the connection between corporations and the kingdom of God then, I rest my case vis a vis platonism. (ask Christine as she is in UofF). Now, there would be an interesting conversation: Christine and David watching The Corporation together. .
Iz respects DW in the Lord as a "godly man" who walks in love and she may request his input but I've not seen her quoting him or sitting at his feet.  What do corporations have to do with the KofG?  They work on an entirely other principle.  In fact corporations are based on the evolutionary principle with the survival of the fittest...  jt
On Tue, 24 May 2005 04:24:45 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Iz has DW on a 'thronette'. For those wishing to put 'feet' to their faith, I'd recommend a documentary entitled 'The Corporation'. It may be rented from BB. It demonstrates that of which I speak.
Last time I checked Lance Dallas Willard was not sitting on the throne.  Capitalism is by nature consumerist; is
Canada a capitalist nature by any chance?  I know Australia is and it is every bit as bad, maybe worse in some
ways.  You know the old saying "ppl who live in glass houses?"  Australia is not "religious" at all, in fact it is
basically secular as is your country from what I've heard.  jt
On Mon, 23 May 2005 11:14:26 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
You, collectively, are being judged now for your consumerist, religious, non-kingdom building (see Dallas Willard on this), dualist, gnostic approach to what should be an embodied gospel. God may well be using 'them' to judge you.
Would you rather have mid east cloak and dagger along with muslim violence and insanity.  Also how can you be so sure that God is not involved with what is happening in the middle east. How are you so sure it is not the time of Iraq's visitation?  Through history God has always used one nation to judge another.  Yes, the US will be judged also but - IN GOD'S TIME - Not Lance's.  jt
On Mon, 23 May 2005 09:18:21 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
'If' is the operative wordy, Izzy. Given GWB's track record, it isn't looking hopeful. Under the guise of 'spreading democracy', (read 'plant bases/troops near the oil supply) he has set much of the middle east aflame. I'd say that the neo-cons have his ear more than God.  

FYI, Lance, the “Kingdom” is the rule and reign of Christ.  If He rules and reigns in my life then I am in his Kingdom.  If GWB can be used to bring America more under the rule and reign of Christ in one area or another then that is a good thing.  God can use anyone with a willing heart, including GWB. So don’t be so contemptuous. Izzy


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir

Your last sentence is that which you, Judy, should take to 'heart'. You are in a kind of bondage along with D & I. Anyone who believe that GWB is bringing in the kingdom is, I'm afraid, out to lunch.



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