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Law and faith
It is amazing to me that those who are clearly legalists in the crowd argue for the banishment of an individual based upon only one consideration of sin.  What I mean is this  --   if you have one who is addicted to heroin and (of course) continues to "use,'  he is withdrawn from despite the possibility other areas of his life, spiritually, are improving.   Part of the curse of the law is that one who violates a speeding law is just as guilty as one who murders a child.    Guilt is guilt.  
Under grace through faith, a heroin addict can be given hope because his life is not judged by that single issue.   And I am talking about a "judgment" that is , in reality, the reasonable conclusion of his conduct.   If he manages his addiction (and in the beginning of a recovery process, this may be all that he can do with addiction) and gives equal attention to filling himself up with God in the Word, with the Relationship, in continued fellowship  (someone has to stop telling to leave) prayer and communion,   he can be saved from the ravages of his continuing sin.   Personal destruction does not need to be the final consequence.   Praise the Lord.

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