sin is sin  --  but what IS sin?   As long as we have this idea that it is a violation of the law,  we will never be able to really help the people we are called to help.  


How do you do it? Once again, JD, you are in direct conflict with God’s Word:


1 John 3:4
Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law.


Management is a RECOVERY tool   --   not a teaching that encourages sin.  Sin Management teaches the addict to postpone her addictive behavior for a specified time   --   and this time is increased.  Fat people   (and I suspect there are more fat people on this forum than one would suppose) victimize themselves with the addiction of gluttony.   Sin Management teaches them that this is destructive behavior (ala "sin")  and encourages them to modify or postpone their eating .   Meanwhile, we emphasize the good and healthy aspects of their lives with God.  


“Management” of sin is still sin.  Having longer and longer periods of time between incidents of heroine still leaves you an addict.  Longer periods between incidents of adultery still leaves you with an adulterer.  Gluttons are still gluttons between banana splits. Liars are still liars between lies.  No one has “healthy aspects of their lives with God,” when they are “managing sin”.  A heroine addict needs to be institutionalized until he is clean, and then he needs to be in constant follow up counseling until he can stay clean on his own for good.  Only Christ can set us free from besetting sins—not sin management.  Your theology has no power to deliver from sin; only to “manage” it.   Izzy

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