You've outlined your reasons for being here on numerous occasions, Dave. You write well. You read well. You've undoubtedly learned much. Would you kindly consider the following:
1. Write a description of Mormonism, as if you were a non-Mormon, utilizing the information you've gleaned while being a participant on TT?
2. Write a description of Evangelicalism, from a Mormon persepctive, utilizing the information you've gleaned while being a participant on TT?
It need not be some multi-page, to-be-published, document. Just do what you've already demonstrated that you do well.
I. and every thoughtful participant on TT, understands that you draw a distinction between believers & non-believers which places 'us' in the NB category.
I'm genuinely interested in this. Unless the moderator objects I'd really like to hear you on both of the above.

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