1. Intercessory prayer
2. Tell others to pray
3. Be further informed so as to separate the false information from the true.
4. Were any of you to watch 'Shake Hands With the Devil', you would have heard Dallaire criticize the UN along with the former Canadian Ambassador to the UN, Stephen Lewis. The UN ain't much that is good but, neither is it nothing. 
Does anyone know of the millions who interceded re: what has been referred to as the 10/40 window? Of late many Muslims within that 10/40 window have been receiving visions/dreams of Jesus.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 04, 2005 22:23
Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Neither Lance nor JD has been one bit helpful today in suggesting concrete ways in which we can cure the ills of the Congo.  I am sorely disappointed. Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Saturday, June 04, 2005 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

I asked you before what you were DOING. You did not want to answer because it is not important. Right!
What gets it DONE JD?
Tell us how you do it.
Is this not a REAL ISSUE? Then don't avoid it.
Just come out and admit it, you are DOING _________________

Hidding behind tough words don't get it done, Deegan.    Just another way of avoiding the real and important issues. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Fri, 3 Jun 2005 13:52:25 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities since the crisis began in August
Why don't you go over there and do something about it?
Talk is cheap!

Lance Muir <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It's truly uncomfortable is it not? When (in print) you sound, often, like someone so ....?....yuck! Do be faithful to one of your own, Iz. Joe looks down from 'the great 'hearing in the sky.' He's on the lookout for 'commies' like homeland security is on the lookout for terrorists. It's the head in the sand thingy, Iz.
You want serious? I'll give you serious! Does anyone out there know the following: One thousand people die every day in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and nearly half of these deaths are accounted for by children under five years of age.  These deaths add daily to the cumulative total of 3.8 million fatalities since the crisis began in August, 1998 to the end of April 2004.  This makes the DRC conflict worse than any other conflict since the end of World War II and in terms of death toll exceeds other recent crises, including Bosnia (estimated 250,000 dead), Rwanda (800,000), Kosovo (12,000),. and Darfur in Sudan (70,000)
Despite this, the international community has failed to take the necessary action to alleviate the crisis.  During 2004, only 42% of funding sought by the United Nations for its activities had been raised by August, while contributions by the United Sates Agency for International Assistance to DRC for 2004 have declined by almost 25% when compared with 2003.  "No other recent confllict has claimed as many lives and mortality rates remain elevated at an alarming level.  In spite of these unambiguous facts, the international community has not yet mobilized the necessary will or resources to effectively address the crisis," according to the latest mortality study, a joint effort by the New York based International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Australia's Burnet Institute.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 03, 2005 14:27
Subject: RE: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz

Oh, good grief---why is it that liberals always fall back on those old tried and true names to call other people? If it isn?t ?Hitler? it?s ?McCarthy?.  Get a new, but more creative insult please.  Izzy

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Friday, June 03, 2005 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [Bulk] Re: [TruthTalk] NIV Bible Quiz
So then Kevin, in  Senator McCarthy like fashion you hurl out accusations sans proof in the hope that the accusation itself will serve you well enough! I'd have though as much.

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