Sort of like the LDS owned News creating the story SP's call brides whores & break up wedding parties
The Brian david Mitchell AKA Immanuel The Mormon who kidnapped Elizabeth Smart (around 14 years old) because "god" told him to take her as a plural wife. The LDS owned news called him ( Ex LDS Missionary, Ex temple worker) a Street Preacher. LOL
"No proof, no nothing, just the words"
And Blaine swallowed because he wanted to.
Just shows the gullibility of human-kind & Blaine
I see you have not read Charlotte's Web.  It is about a spider that spun webs with English words incorporated, which in turn were assumed by Humans to refer to the pig who lived in the sty beneath the webs.   These descriptive adjectives were then assumed to be the pig's character traits.  No proof, no nothing, just the words, appearing in print form, were enough to convince the masses that the pig was super-normal.  He became celebrated, because Charlotte the spider said he was such--IN PRINT.  Just a spoof on the gullibility of human-kind. 
In a message dated 6/6/2005 11:02:16 AM Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Are you so gullible that YOU believe everything that is in print? Like the
Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and the D&C.

E. B. White, the author of Charlotte's Web, was born in 1899. How could the
story be a basis for what E. B. Stennhouse wrote in 1875???


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