DAVEH:  I find that interesting, Judy.  DavidM said that being born again is the definition of salvation.  Do you agree with that?  If so, can two people (at least one of which is walking in darkness) who are born again have different interpretations of doctrines?  IOW....can somebody be saved in darkness?  To me it seems like it would be contradictory. 

Judy Taylor wrote:
I think so DaveH, being born again is just entering the door, I've had to wade through so much darkness during the past 30yrs and put off so much stuff, have more to go but it's less than before; "the path of the righteous is like the light of dawn it shines brighter and brighter till the noonday..."  jt
On Mon, 06 Jun 2005 06:49:28 -0700 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
DAVEH:  Do you really believe that any discrepancy about doctrinal interpretations between two believers is a result of at least one of them loving darkness?  Or......do you think two true believers can have a legitimate disagreement about what the Lord says in the Bible?

Judy Taylor wrote:
Because men love darkness so much that they will not come to the light so that their deeds may be made manifest.
On Sun, 05 Jun 2005 23:49:00 -0700 Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
The Bible speaks for itself.

Dave Hansen
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