Lance,Lance,Lance....oh, how long must we strive with you to understand???
The Word of God says to treat your parents with respect. It's one of the Ten
Biggies. Period. So is that a sincere question?

NOW, think about it, Lance. HOW does God "respect" people?  He allows them
to have free will!  God allows everyone to either come to Him or reject Him.
That is called "free will."  That is how we respect others: we allow them
free will to believe whatever they choose. In America it means you may
attend church, synagogue, mosque, or nothing at all. It means that we treat
each culture as equally valid, that God-created differences are good, and
that variety is valuable as long as it is not against God's standards of
right and wrong. You may pray in school, or not, as you wish. (I wish!) You
may go to hell or get saved. 

HOWEVER, does that mean we don't tell those people the Truth???  Does that
mean we pretend that when they are lost that that they are just peachy with
God? Do we tell them that their pagan god is just as good as our God? Does
that mean we allow perverts to molest children? Does that mean we should
make sodomy perversion an acceptable standard for our nation? Does that mean
we look the other way when the unborn are murdered? 

Lance, you pride yourself on your intelligence.  Please use it. Izzy

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Lance Muir
Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2005 1:03 PM
Subject: [TruthTalk] Re:The meaning of respect

Would you 'respect' your parents if they were representated by one of those
groups named below?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Christine Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: June 08, 2005 12:35
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Perry vs DaveH

> Kevin wrote:
> > A fig leaf will
> > never cover your SIN!
> >
> Interesting how Bob links Mormonism to Islam, Judaism,
> and Native American religion.
> Bob wrote:
> [These other religous followers wear] Bits of cloth or
> string that are physical reminders of God and his bond
> with man. Sacred things, really. Prayer shawls or
> beads, head coverings or aprons, medicine bags. Things
> that are special to people, honorable and good things.
> He goes on to say that these things should be
> respected. Now, I have a question. Do I have to
> respect Islam or Native American paganism? And what
> does it mean to "respect" another religion I know to
> be false?
> I do beleive in loving those who do not know or even
> hate my God, but respect their false religion? Is it
> disrespectful to tell a homosexual that their actions
> are destructive to their immortal soul? Of course not.
> I don't and shouldn't respect the homosexual's actions
> or beleifs. Those whining about respect want to
> produce wimpy, mousey Christians who are too
> "respectful" to speak the truth.
> Blessings!
> --- Kevin Deegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Why frame it as an undewrwear debate?
> > We hold the fig leaf aprons also. in the Temple
> > Satan tells the LDS it is "a token of his
> > priesthoods" and they put them on. A fig leaf will
> > never cover your SIN!
> >
> > I doubt that Bob was an eyewitness, but hey there is
> > always poetic license to lie right?
> >
> > BOB lies or repeats a lie "One man, dressed in his
> > church clothes, walked past in the crowd, saw the
> > insults and desecrations, and grabbed the piece of
> > clothing. To protect it. He was charged with robbery
> > and taken to jail."
> >
> > I was an eyewitness Mr Basilio assualted from behind
> > with a choke hold a guy half his size, while he was
> > praying not "waving", to protect the sacred undies?
> > If it is sacred surely LDS must assualt to protect
> > it. MY Pastor does not assault people! What's with
> > this HIGH PRIEST?
> >
> >
> >
> > Jose Basilio Charged with Robbery "This person was
> > talking against the Church, saying bad things
> > against the Prophet. He was showing a garment. It
> > was a woman's garment. The ones we wear as members
> > of the LDS Church. I'm a High Priest. I was angry. I
> > tried to take it from him....He said I tried to hit
> > him. But I did not hit him. I know martial arts and
> > if I would have wanted to hurt him, I could have
> > broken his arm or leg. He was just a youth and I am
> > an adult. I had no intention to hurt him."
> >
> >
> > Terry Clifton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > So, you weren't waving it around?   You were just
> > walking around the streets holding someone's
> > underwear in your hands?
> >
> > Jd
> >
> ========================================================================
> >
> >
> > Are you saying that somewhere in Salt Lake City
> > there is a Mormon with no skivvies?
> >
> > That is common down here where it is still ninety
> > degrees at bed time, but SLC is a little cool for
> > that.  Might freeze your equipment.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------
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