No, religious dogma just like Marxist dogma is irrelevant. What matters is God's Word.  DaveH is in agreement about one event in history, however his sect both adds to and takes from God's Word why complicate the issue Lance?
Still waiting - judyt
On Wed, 22 Jun 2005 05:42:19 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Kevin's question and, Dave's answer are significant. In light of Jt and DM's view of Jesus it may be that we have more 'perspectivalism' on TT (even by it's founder) than one might have thought. Kevin questions 'as if' dogma mattered. Does it? (to DM and JT)
DAVEH:   Easy, Kevin.  Jesus walked the Holy Land and was seen much differently by many people.  Some recognized him as their Saviour and King, while others viewed him as a major threat.  Even though they each had their differences of opinion as to where he came from, what he was doing during his ministry, and what his relationship to deity.....wouldn't you agree they were all focused on the same Jesus.  When Jesus hung on the cross, there was not a question of which Jesus hung on the cross.  The only question was who's view more accurately represented the real Jesus. 

    Do you suppose that after the tomb was sealed that all of Jesus' followers continued to believe he was the Messiah, that he was God who could not be defeated by his enemies? you think there may have been more than a few who might have been thinking their view of Jesus might have been wrong?  If you think there was no doubt.....go back and read the accounts of those who first saw Jesus after he arose. 

    The point matter what the perspective of those who saw Jesus hanging on that cross.....he was still the same person.....Jesus. 

    And FTR, I will repeat this again so there is no mistake on your part or any other TTer.   The Jesus I believe in is the same Jesus who hung on the cross by his enemies, and 3 days later arose in a resurrected state of exaltation.   That is my Jesus, and I believe he is your Jesus.   That we may have different perspective of some of the details about his attributes does not mean that we are not talking about the same Jesus that hung on the cross as explained in the Bible.

Kevin Deegan wrote:

How can your Jesus have different attributes than my Jesus and still be the same person?

Amos 3:3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:   Logically, the onus is not upon me to define the Jesus I believe in, but rather it is on the person who suggests I don't believe in Jesus.  FTR....I have not said that the Jesus Kevin, you Perry or any other TTer believes in is a false Jesus. 

Lance Muir wrote:
DaveH says "Kevin, I believe in Jesus." IFF we are going to engage in a conversation that entails reality, then we have to continue to build upon that which has been said previously.According to you THE JESUS TO BE BELIEVED IN IS MOST FULLY AND ACCURATELY DESCRIBED WITHIN MORMON TEACHING. Is this so? The Jesus believed in by Kevin, Perry, Lance et al is a false Jesus. Is this not also so? (unwieldy but, you get my point)What, IYO, are the eternal consequenses for non-Mormons? 
Mr. Moderator:Please grant DaveH the opportunity of fully answering and, explaining. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: June 19, 2005 23:02
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Belief

DAVEH:  FTR Kevin, I believe in Jesus.   Therefore can we conclude that you've made the judgment rather than God?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
He will!
He Has!
JN 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already

Dave Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH: I fully understand that, Perry. But I'd feel more comfortable
letting God make that judgment than you.

Charles Perry Locke wrote:

> David,
> Romans 10:9,10 : That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord
> Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from
> the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto
> righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
> But, as I have stated before, the right jesus and right god must be
> at the center of one's faith. I am not just harassing you, Dave, I
> honestly do believe that the mormons worship false gods.
> Perry
>> From: Dave Hansen
>> Reply-To:
>> To:
>> Subject: [TruthTalk] Belief
>> Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2005 00:16:42 -0700
>> DAVEH: Yeah........Pretty quiet on TT tonight..
>> Do you believe that those who believe in Jesus are saved, as I've
>> heard many Christians proclaim? If belief is inadequate, what else
>> is needed, Perry?
>> Charles Perry Locke wrote:
>>> Dave, this is great. Midnight, just me and you on TT, mano y mano,
>>> so to speak :-)
>>> I guess I am biased in that way, because both you and Blaine admit
>>> to following the christ and jesus of mormonism, so it is my opinion
>>> that you are lost since I believe that they are false gods. If I
>>> thought that you guys were saved in spite of the teachings of the
>>> mormon church I would not be spending so much time exposing the
>>> false nature of the mormon church to you.
>>> But, the bottom line is that God makes that ultimate decision, not I.
>>> Perry

Dave Hansen
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