David Miller wrote:
Thanks, Dave, for the more detailed explanation.
DaveH wrote:
> As for God the Father, many (probably most) LDS folks
> believe he went through a similar mortal process as we do.
Is this what you personally believe?
DAVEH:   Yes, I believe it is likely.  Though I want to stress that it is purely speculation on my part, and not official LDS doctrine.  I can think of no place in the Standard Works that confirm that theory, except for a passage from John I will quote below that I think is pertinent.
I have a hard time swallowing the idea that God the Father was ever mortal.
DAVEH:  Is it any harder to believe than to believe that Jesus was mortal, and Jesus is God.   What's the difference in terms of difficulty of believing such?
  Do you believe he was subject to death?
DAVEH:  If my tendency to believe he (our Heavenly Father) did experience mortality, it would lend credence to Jesus' comment found in Jn 5:19.....

...The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.

.......So, DavidM, if Jesus went through a mortal process as God, would you suggest it impossible his Heavenly Father did likewise?
  How do you deal with James who testifies that God the Father cannot even be tempted with evil?
DAVEH:   Wish you would give me a reference....you are taxing my pea sized brain!  Let's quote ch 1, vs 13.....

Let no man say  when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

........To me it is obvious that James' intent is to point out that God is not going to succumb to temptation.  We know that Satan DID in fact tempt God when he presented Jesus with several options in an effort to lead him astray at a weak time of his life.  I assume you believe Jesus was fully God at the time Satan tempted him?   If so, then James' above comment would have to mean that God is stronger than evil, and not subject to its lure.   Do you agree with my assessment of this, DavidM?
Peace be with you.
David Miller.

Dave Hansen
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