You are not 'unworthy' of any road, Judy, lofty or otherwise. Is any discussion 'out of your league' when it comes to God?
Even though I note that you 'theologize' with every post, yet do you speak disdainfully of others who do that which you do. I'm apparently not the only one to be somewhat perplexed by this.
I'm not a pantheist, Judy. I do believe in 'Divine and Contingent' orders. I also believe in a discrete (adj. constituting a separate thing) understanding of both.
I have every confidence that a careful reader such as yourself will have taken note of David Miller's disagreement with you as to the matter of employing logic, even that which is informed by Aristotle, when it comes to a discussion of this same God.In light of that might we employ, should any on TT be capable of doing so, quanta relative to a discussion of God's immanent being?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: July 02, 2005 05:53
Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] Apologetic for the eternal sonship of Christ

So I'm unworthy of such a lofty road Lance, must be one that is only for the wise and prudent.  If it is out of anyone's league then it is not God.  He hides from the wise and prudent and reveals Himself to babes. Physics has nothing to do with anything - that is the study of the creation.  We are speaking here of the Creator.  Big difference unless you are a pantheist.  jt
On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 05:43:29 -0400 "Lance Muir" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
IMO this is not a discussion for Judy. The discussion entails who God is in Himself (the immanent trinity) and, who God is toward us (the economic trinity). It is a theologically sophisticated but, highly important consideration. There are comparisons drawn by some to quantum physics (out of my league). It may be that David Miller has given this some thought.Should you read this David, will you speak to this issue?
IMO Judy has expressed, with considerable clarity, her lack of desire to travel this road.
On Sat, 2 Jul 2005 03:07:01 -0600 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy writes > I don't recall ever having made a rule Bill.  The scriptures themselves say that if any man speaks he should speak as the oracles of God.  If you are going to represent Him then you should say what He says about himself. Your doctrine of "perichoresis" is alien to anything I have read in scripture.  Where do you find this dance and relationship?  The Godhead is one - so is God dancing with Himself?
No, the "dance" or the "choir" is descriptive of the inner relations between the Persons of the "Godhead," the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit. As per OT testimony God is "one" by way of unity. This has been demonstrated on numerous occasions. You refuse to consider it.
jt: I find it easier to go with what God says about Himself than to try and conform Him to the writings of various and sundry
theologians.  You don't know about the "inner workings" of the Godhead and neither did Athanasius or Gregory of Nyzantius.
By the way, if in your view of the Godhead there are no inner relations, how then is "symphony" an apt description of it? That is, if "God is one" to the exclusion of a mutual indwelling, how can he be acting in "harmony" like a "symphony"? You are not even consistent with your own "object lesson," Judy. Why be so critical of mine? "Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also." Check out these definitions:
jt: They work as one - like a human body.  How would it be if my head had to be in relationship with my heart and that with my digestive system.  It all works as one when one is healthy.  When cells begin to do their own thing it means trouble.
Symphony: from Greek sumphni, from sumphnos, harmonious: sun-, syn- + phn, sound. 
Harmony: Simultaneous combination of notes in a chord; a combination of sounds considered pleasing to the ear.
Harmonious: Exhibiting accord in feeling or action; having component elements pleasingly or appropriately combined: a harmonious blend of architectural styles. Characterized by harmony of sound; melodious; exhibiting equivalence or correspondence among constituents of an entity or between different entities;  symmetrical; existing together in harmony; "harmonious family relationships."
jt: Bill please forget the symphony - I regret having said anything, it is getting way to complicated.
You continue to uphold your "symphony" description, but you criticize my use of perichoresis to speak of the same inner relations (which by my view is an actual indwelling). This is a double standard, Judy. IF you refuse to see it, then so be it.
jt: An indwelling of what?  What do you mean an indwelling and upon what do you base this assumption?
Till next time, Bill 
On Thu, 30 Jun 2005 11:16:36 -0600 "Bill Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Judy writes  >  Yes, Nathan was the prophet and his words were inspired by God since this was the anointing for his ministry - fourfold restitution was what is required under the law of Moses.  So what is the problem Bill? . . .
BT  >  The problem is, Judy, you have evidently missed the point. Without some "non-biblical" input to place my answer in context, you misunderstood my use of Scripture to say to you what "God says using God's words." No problem, I will add some commentary of my own to try to help you with the context.
jt: No Bill the problem is yours. God is not saying these words to me.  You are saying them and this is your judgment, not His.
You are guilty of doing the very thing you expect others not to do.
jt: Oh really? So now I am an adulterer and a murderer like David?  Well when I will wait for God to send the prophet Nathan to speak the truth to me.  Let's face it Bill.  I am no king and you are no prophet.
The pertinent statement in my use of the Nathan/David account was this: "You are the man!" Yes, David could have had Nathan killed -- but he didn't. Instead, not playing insinsate, he got the point of Nathan's parable and repented of his wrong doing; that is, he was quilty as charged; he knew it; and rather than skirt the issue, he took responsibility for his actions.
How does this pertain to you? You have yet to take responsibility for yours. Concerning the use of non-biblical terminology to speak to biblical concepts, you make the following claim: "You may all do this Bill but one speaking as the 'oracles of God' says what God says using God's Words . . . Reaping what we sow is God's righteous judgment."
Judy, you are complicit in doing the same thing; e.g., you have written concerning the Godhead, "They were one in all aspects and operated like a symphony," and "I would demonstrate the Godhead this way: God the Father has the thought; God the Word speaks it into existence; and God the Spirit carries it out. So you see the Godhead as one working in harmony, like a symphony."
jt: Jesus said "I and the Father are one and it is written that he was given the spirit without measure" I used the word symphony as an object lesson since this is the way it appears to me. I am not writing legalese or doctrine which you seem to interpret it as - nor do I come to TT as a "teacher" professer. I am an ordinary every day believer sharing who I am in Christ. For this I take responsibility - but not for your wild flights of fancy Bill.
Debbie wrote this to you: "When talking about God or what he is saying to us in the Bible, I am sure I use terms which are not in any translation or manuscript of Scripture." As do you, Judy, as witnessed above. Hence, with her, why do you not also "find it strange and arbitrary to make a rule of avoiding doing so"? You do not apply your own rules to yourself.
jt: I don't recall ever having made a rule Bill.  The scriptures themselves say that if any man speaks he should speak as the oracles of God.  If you are going to represent Him then you should say what He says about himself. Your doctrine of "perichoresis" is alien to anything I have read in scripture.  Where do you find this dance and relationship?  The Godhead is one - so is God dancing with Himself?
And as I said before, nor ought you have to. The problem here is not with the language you use; it is with your unreasonable expectation concerning the language of others, whether it be mine or Debbie's or anyone else's. In other words, you need to change your standards. They are untenable -- not even you can meet them.
jt: It is God's standard for those who claim to represent Him publicly.  What I am doing here is my own private testimony.  You are constantly quoting doctrines and teachings constructed by men that have little to do with what God says about Himself and when anyone questions them it makes you angry.
And so, the question is, are you going to continue to skirt the issue, or are you going to drop the attack on others, take responsibility for your actions and change your standards?
jt: The attack is all in your head Bill. Noone is immune to questioning on this list - you should know that by now and if what you are holding on to is truth then you don't need to fear, it will stand.
Bill (By the way, DaveH and G: I am preparing responses to your requests. I will get them out when this conflict is resolved -- if, that is, it can be resolved)

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