DAVEH:   What are you trying to say, Kevin?  Do you think Paul was referring to me when speaking about false teachers and preachers?  As I have previously stated, I did not come here to teach and preach, but rather learn what Protestants believe and why they believe it.   Since you seem to think we believe in different Jesus', comparing our beliefs about him would be an acceptable activity for my participation on TT.   Wouldn't you agree?

Kevin Deegan wrote:
Your preoccupation with similarities is meant to distract from the differences.
Someone might notice under the sheepskins

Mark 13:6; 21-22 Many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am he,' and will deceive many.

Why does Paul talk about FALSE TEACHERS & PREACHERS in almost every Epistle?

How is one to identify the AntiChrist, when he arrives? Will we focus on the similarities between him and the Real Christ?

False teachers always add some truth how else can they fool others, an Orange dollar bill is not going to fool anyone. An Orange dollar bill may be identical in EVERY other point, but it is still a phony. To focus on the similarites is to miss the point, it is in the differences that we identify the phony!

When AntiChrist comes he will focus on his similarities, he will produce miracles (same) he will come back from a lethal head wound (same) he will have spiritual power (same), he will not focus on the differences. false teachers mix truth with a little bit of error. The devil never shows up in a red suit he comes as a Preacher of righteousness, in sheeps clothing Matthew 7:15-23, but a phony none the less. We can identify him and other falsehoods by the Word of God & by comparisons with the Truths revealed in that word.

"To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them" Isa. 8:20

Not by comparing his sheepskin to a real sheepskin. We must look below the surface and there we will find the hidden wolve come to destroy! The comparison that will identify him is not what similarities or truths we can find but ANY errors or untruth we can identify. It only takes ONE error to make a phony dollar same with a false teacher or false christ. ONE ERROR makes a False prophet!

We are told in the scriptures to "prove all things" be a wise berean! 1 Thessalonians 5:21

2 Timothy 3:16-17: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.''


Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
DAVEH:   If you will remember, Lance....I tried to start a thread where we could compare how we (LDS) perceive Jesus with how other TTers understand him.  All I got was some criticism for starting such by showing 2 instances where we probably agree.  Instead of continuing the thread by contributing more attributes as other see Jesus...the thread withered for lack of interest.

    If anybody wants to continue it, I would be more than happy to compare what I believe to what any of you believe, and then we can ponder whether the differences are pertinent to our salvation.  Any takers?

Lance Muir wrote:
IMO both Kevin and Perry's motivation is that of a genuine concern for those who do not apprehend Jesus as He is. To note the difference in style is simply to note the difference in makeup of each of the TT participants.
The Jesus you articulate is not even a 'distant cousin' to the Jesus they articulate. Thankfully, God looks on the heart. You may be among those who have broken the 'articulation boundary'. He alone knows.
Surely gentlemen you've not failed to note the dissimilarity between your Jesus'?
Were you to be given the assignment of writing but a few paragraphs outlining that difference, could you do so? Will you do so?
looking forward to it,

 Dave Hansen
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